Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] told [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The acrid stink of cordite filled his nostrils , a dull pain throbbed in his blast deafened ears , and a trickle of wetness on his mouth and chin told him his nose was bleeding .
2 Thus , although Franco 's own Minister of Industry and Commerce told him in early 1949 that , without more foreign aid , the Spanish economy could survive for six months at most , the Caudillo insisted that Spain had no need of the international community .
3 The respect that was growing so unstoppably in her heart and mind told her he not only meant what he said but had proven beyond doubt that he was capable of it .
4 I did n't really understand then but when I got to about five my mum and dad told me .
5 That 's what my mum and dad told me and I believe them .
6 That 's what my mum and dad told me and I believe them . ’
7 He learned the truth about the cuttings , closing his eyes when he thought of her sitting in the attic , her long day done , painstakingly writing for O'Connor the articles whose brilliance and feeling told him of the intellect which lay behind her beautiful face and emphasised again what he had thrown away .
8 It captured his imagination , as he later showed in Marmion ; and that imagination was further fed by books in the farmhouse window seat and by the Border tales his aunt and grandmother told him .
9 How could she feel her whole body yearning for him , when logic and reason told her that it should n't be ?
10 The ICS , as a body , had never been much taken with political reform , sensing correctly that it set in motion a process whereby they could expect only to be replaced , and both reason and sentiment told them that this would never do .
11 We carried out extensive market research before introducing HomeShield 50 , an up-to-date policy with all the cover that research told us you expect .
12 ‘ Some chap or other told me once , ’ Artemis 's father suddenly said , ‘ that somebody or other discovered America before Columbus or whoever it was who did , but decided it was best to keep it under his hat . ’
13 The arrival of tea had changed the atmosphere , and Roger cast aside his rather sombre mood and listened with genuine interest while Breeze told him about Felicity .
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