Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [pron] used give " in BNC.

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1 I can always remember that yeah , I won a book called And then er when we came out pictures on Saturday afternoon , there always used to be a gentleman there and he 'd had a great big basket and he 'd like he 'd have a bag of sweets and oranges in these er basket and they used to give the children a bag of sweet and orange and they came out and see pictures for a penny .
2 These she reads with the kind of pure , trance-like attention that she used to give , as a child , to the stories of Enid Blyton .
3 I remember at the Uni when we used to give we used to put stamps on people , you know ,
4 Oh as I sa the part-time job we used to get , two shillings a week and he used to give us tuppence for ourselves the two shillings was for our parents , and the tuppence was supposed to be our pocket money , but er when we 'd finished on a Saturday night if , if there were any stale cakes we 'd all get a bag of stale cakes each you used to make a terrific fuss of those on a Sunday .
5 I used to give him the odd cuddle and I used to give him lifts home on my bike .
6 We used to put some straw down and the manger and we used to give them some hay and they 'd amuse themselves in there tied up .
7 As a matter of fact er as the years went by we got this benevolent fund and we used to give all the old w as a mat we got a pension fund I know it do n't sound much now , but at that time like during and just after the War we paid twelve and sixpence a week pension to all everybody who 'd retired from the union after they 'd done time , and we also gave them extra grants and took them on er you know outings until a time I said , Well we 're spending all this money on outings , we could buy a bungalow at the seaside and let them all go you know pensioners go in their turn free .
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