Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [modal v] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One morning , the other dealers said to him : " We 've got a stock that will make you rich in a day .
2 We check out a sound card that will make them eat their words — the Laserwave Plus .
3 The Italian made Candy turbomatic 38D has a fault that can make it burst into flames , an inquest heard .
4 Slightly clumsy hard rock that may make it in America later .
5 Anger and impulse do n't seem to be a part of his make-up : when he parodies the swaggering Hotspur , we can already see the fastidious distaste for self-dramatisation that will make him disown Falstaff , just as , when he imitates his father , we can see the strength this quiet man derives from the stately deliberation of majesty .
6 Erm , some coloration that would make it still ours .
7 But in the search for such pacts or agreements , the opposition parties will necessarily be drawn closer together , and the campaign for tactical voting will gather force and develop a presence that will make it better placed to make a major impact in the next election .
8 ‘ It was the sort of smell that would make you sick , like raw sewage .
9 I knew your ways , that streak of obstinacy that would make you always run counter , even as an infant .
10 Yet others may lack both religious belief and any experience that might make them dubious of their secularism .
11 An application is not necessarily unreasonable because it is inconvenient for the addressee of the application or causes him considerable work or may make him vulnerable to future claims , or is addressed to a person who is not an officer or employee of or contractor with the company in administration , but all of these will be among the factors relevant to be taken into consideration ( post , pp. 862H — 863A , 864C ) .
12 An application is not necessarily unreasonable because it is inconvenient for the addressee of the application or causes him a lot of work or may make him vulnerable to future claims , or is addressed to a person who is not an officer or employee of or a contractor with the company in administration , but all these will be relevant factors , together no doubt with many others .
13 Now these are n't , oh right , the strange black things that some of you are holding in your hands are called riders , and these are end leaves for the storage binder , and the idea is that they will have protective pages that are in the storage binder that will make them easier to turn .
14 When I last met them in September , I asked them to consider urgently three specific point : first , the introduction of visible vehicle identification numbers ; secondly , the fitting of deadlocking across all their vehicle ranges ; and , most important , the development of an effective vehicle immobilising device that would make it impossible to move a car even if it had been broken into .
15 June brides will have to start planning for the big event about now , so in Secrets of Success we show you how to cook the perfect wedding buffet , with salmon and salads , and , of course , a three tier wedding cake that will make 'em gasp .
16 Engels says that Cognos is now in the early stages of negotiation with ICL and Bull and the company is engineering a Unix System V.4-compliant product that will make it economically more reasonable to appear on a wider variety of Unix environments .
17 I asked her if she had any medication that would make me a better surfer .
18 And what we have found that is the county , Harrogate certainly and ourselves from direct experience this last two years , is that one of the features , we have an attractive county to such inward investors , its its environment , its people , its setting , its air and everything else is good , but one of the features that we have so far been unable to offer is a planning framework which means that the marketing authority can deliver , guarantee delivery of the planning consent that would make it happen .
24 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
25 ‘ A good teacher is someone who 'll take a good joke but will make us work to get the work done .
26 ‘ Applying that test , and bearing in mind that there are persons on the fringes of subversion that may make it difficult to draw the line ’ , the Commissioner has been satisfied that the Home Secretaries ' warrants have always been justified .
27 That is the good side of the Texan , the stuff that would make him an asset in countries , such as Britain or France , where the old political order needs a solid whack .
28 But clearly it is another factor that would make it the less satisfactory for us simply to refuse the application without more .
29 Erm whether we want to add something on to the agenda that would make it more acceptable to them like health and safety or whatever .
30 Where is the self-interest that should make it attractive to us ?
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