Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [verb] [noun] all " in BNC.

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1 Er , I did n't have any idea er that I was going to start , obviously , er , but er , I first started at home in the backroom and had letters all over the floor .
2 The mechanic says that on that year the truck the part was handcrafted in Zogmolia near Flelzonia and not only is it double reverse threaded but that its made from a rare alloy rendered from toxic wastes in New Jersey ; however , he has assured me while trying to hold back a laugh and spraying spittle all over me he knows a junk yard on Mars where he can get the part soon .
3 We 'd slowly creep up on them then shout abuse and kick sand all over them .
4 Rose listened , open-mouthed , and at the end of this recital she jumped down from the wicker basket and hugged Ruth all over again .
5 Using a rolling pin with more flour dusted on to it , roll the dough out until it is approximately 5–8mm thick and you can place the template on top and see dough all around its edges .
6 Her duped parents , Noel and Sadie , looked on with pride and stood drinks all round .
7 I envy people who do n't bother to wash up at night and leave stuff all over the place — I really enjoy going to their houses .
8 Yet it is a logical ending , a romantic ending , if you will , but one drawn into reality because of the almost casual , incidental humour , the personal tone of dialogue and the secret , passionate , poetic feeling that moves Sard all through his adventure .
9 Since school , which was n't long ago , he 'd worked as a butcher , ‘ squeezed a heart in a sink and got blood all over - sickened me ’ , and latterly as a — guess it — hairdresser .
10 But then she makes music to send to other worlds ; music too , promising peace and cooperation in a new spiritually harmonious era ; music that defies gravity all on its own .
11 In Kendal prosperous merchants and clothiers had established a middle class , and the Kendal yards , with the merchant 's house , the workers ' cottages , and the spinning and weaving lofts all packed together under close supervision opened up new conditions .
12 In a few seconds the fuse caught , and after about ten seconds the mass of flame blew up and out , throwing something black and smoking twenty metres or more into the late-afternoon air and scattering pieces all over the Grounds .
13 We sat in the open-sided restaurant and saw forest all around .
14 I believe that not only the ASB but accounting jurisdictions all around the world have now introduced an unfudgeable bottom line in p&l accounts ; and one can understand why .
15 It is valuable to inculcate the attitude that everyone learns , that is , design and operating staff all improve on the basis of experience with feed-back .
16 He had his coach and horses , lived in comfort in a fine house and bought property all over the town .
17 How often have you switched on your television set and found lines all over it ?
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