Example sentences of "[noun sg] [conj] [noun] are all " in BNC.

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1 The emotions give warmth and feeling , but through them factual perception and logic are all too easily ruled by imagination .
2 employ twelve hundred people , much of their traffic passes through Bungay , their products , their employee and supplies are all over the place and their products are distributed country-wide , much of their traffic goes through Bungay , and I think they both have plans to extend their plants both er Buxton and Bernard Matthews .
3 But curry and kippers are all right .
4 Sadly , the methods used in food processing to boost flavour and enhance colour and texture are all too often detrimental to the nutritional value of the product : natural vitamins , minerals and fibre may be removed , and salt , sugar and cheap fats are introduced , all of which contribute to the already high levels of heart disease prevalent in this country .
5 Gran , daughter and baby are all doing well , and together with 's mum , , this makes a four generation family .
6 Rhetoric and promises are all right , but if Labour 's pledges are to be honoured , there is no question but that the ordinary taxpayer will be affected — or that some of those pledges will have to be reneged upon .
7 It is tinged sometimes with a blinkered nostalgia , a belief that there really was a Golden Age in the countryside when humans and nature were in harmony ; at others with an ugly neo-colonialism , a conviction that wilderness are all right for the Third World , but not for us civilised folk .
8 Despite the fact that spiders are all over the place in Dostoevsky , not just in Svidrigailov 's dirty bathhouse vision of Eternity , and that urban potted plants go back to the beginning in Poor People , we are here firmly inside Crime and Punishment in its abandoned first-person narrative form ( ‘ I am on trial and will tell all ’ ) : Petersburg evenings and their hanging summer light , noises from below , happy workmen , blessed ‘ living life ’ elsewhere , a lonely man in pain passing through gates , over thresholds , slipping up and down staircases , the buzzing By of Raskolnikov 's dream and his awakening , intense time-consciousness alternating with time-oblivion .
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