Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] he uses [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He needs to protect himself : men say he has a magic ring which he uses to raise demons to control the King .
2 The male is smaller than the female and has a gonopodium which he uses to fertilise the female .
3 Certainly Wordsworth is not consistent in the terminology which he uses to name the non-human ‘ Presences ’ : the 1798–9 version seems animistic , with its references to ‘ Beings of the hills ’ , ‘ Powers of earth ’ , ‘ Genii of the springs ’ and so on .
4 In pursuit of these , Mopsus proposes marriage to a fine lady and is beaten by her servants ; he steals his father 's rent money and sets out for London where he is robbed by a prostitute and thrown into gaol ; his father sends more money which he uses to bribe the gaoler ; he is tricked into marrying an aristocrat 's mistress who promptly gives birth ; the woman leaves and the baby dies ; the prodigal returns to his father .
5 Microcomputers are often described as personal computers In fact it can be quite helpful to think of them in this way when considering the differences between them and mainframe or minicomputers Usually microcomputers are used by only one person at a time ; for example , a personnel manager might have one on his desk top which he uses to examine trends in recruitment .
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