Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [prep] each other " in BNC.

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1 Body position and movement also play an important part — although the fact that turns latch on to each other successfully in telephone conversations seems to suggest that these factors , like gaze , are perhaps not as important as might at first appear .
2 It is important to keep sexual fluids and blood away from each other 's genitals .
3 It never was when she invited him to meet her at the flat ; she was keeping him and Stock out of each other 's way .
4 We shall go on living , and changing , together , and this will mean , for all of us , more life , more being , a circle of love , a mystery , a stretching out to each other in the dark — ’
5 To make the zips last longer make sure there 's no strain on the bottom by pegging the anchor points of the flysheet at the bottom of the zip diagonally across each other — some tents have hooks or Velcro to secure them .
6 The rotation of the key brings the check and the hammer closer to each other .
7 Others might call it drinking , smoking , eating , and taking the piss out of each other , but to these lads , these activities are a vital part of the job .
8 First of all it 's erm an opportunity for us to find out a bit more about each other .
9 Managers are often shrieking you know about what 's happening next rather than you know , all their players are jumping with joy all over each other and you think and they 're saying get in your positions .
10 But it is a good thing that we shall have an interval away from each other .
11 In S. faecalis HPr , the side chains of His15 and Arg17 point away from each other to adopt an open conformation ( Fig. 2 a ) in the phospho-free state .
12 A longer holiday period away from each other is also valuable if you are looking after the patient full-time .
13 Although there is no rhyme in the poem , the last words in every second line sound very like each other so that , while the poem can be simple enough to be a man 's thoughts , it also holds together well and sounds good .
14 For there are other plates surrounding the Pacific Plate and they jostle and crash against each other , like ice floes at break-up time ; and as they jostle so they tide up against each other , pushing each other deeper , cracking and bending as they do so — only on a global scale , and with extraordinary consequences .
15 Because the vitreous enamel inside panels act as insulators which prevent the microwave energy from arching , it is safe to use metal pans , trays and trivets provided that they are at least 1.5in away from the side walls and the same distance away from each other .
16 United passed the ball sweetly between each other to continue to create chances that should have put the game beyond Brentford , and it was no surprise when , in the 63rd minute , they created a fine goal that stretched Brentford to breaking point .
17 Kirsty and Sam the other night , they were punching shit out of each other were n't they !
18 That is why Canada is the biggest trading partner of the United States , why America is Mexico 's biggest partner , and why the countries of the European Community trade more with each other than with anyone else .
19 They ignored each other in death , though sometimes they crouched no more than an arm 's reach away from each other , even touching as they slipped on the ice .
20 If the pattern in Hungary ( for which country data based on vital statistics in 1967 are available ) is a common one , it would appear that , in the more developed countries , at least , maternal age and birth spacing also influence fetal viability independently of each other ( Table 16 ) .
21 Erm social exchange processes this talks about the rewards and costs of convergence up against each other .
22 Before leaving the accident site the investigator needs to make a wreckage plot showing where all the pieces of wreckage were positioned , in relation both to each other and to a fixed point on a large scale map .
23 In fact all levels should be able to interact and feed information back to each other .
24 Parents take comfort in the fact that even though their children are egging men on to beat the hell out of each other , it is all in the cause of good triumphing over evil .
25 It was the Irish Protestants and Catholics — they used to knock hell out of each other .
26 ‘ Knocking hell out of each other in the interview-room , I think .
27 He had said it was unwise to load up in villages because of thieves and dangerous to camp apart from each other because of bandits .
28 As the door banged Peggy and her grandmother threw themselves into each other 's arms , one arm only around each other for they had to suppress the laughter that was bursting to escape in loud , hilarious guffaws … .
29 We spent some time away from each other just to do our own things , but now we 're looking forward to getting back to how things were , lock ourselves away and work .
30 ‘ I thought perhaps things would be better if we had some time away from each other , so I agreed , even though it meant her taking time off from school before the end of term .
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