Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] making [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is not unusual to be in this position , and it may be that there is an accepted procedure to follow in the eventuality of employers making you an offer .
2 With her own brimful of mirth , the haze of tears making them shine like glowing amethysts in her dirty face , she was quite unaware of how extraordinarily lovely she looked .
3 In Brighton , the Prince Regent 's city , people do not go to bed early , and an observer would have noticed a small group of revellers making its way along the strand to the accompaniment of snatches of song and bursts of loud laughter .
4 Watt 's Nine Men ( 1943 ) depicts a group of soldiers making their last stand in a desert hut , which has a dramatic intensity that pushes it to the edge of documentary fiction .
5 When the rain had stopped completely Kāli joined the flow of women making their way towards the stream to refill their water containers .
6 But at the slightest hint of danger they join up instantly and dash away like an immaculately trained line of dancers making their exit .
7 But , again , it 's the same young generation of women making it this far .
8 We need to move from the concepts of knowledge , teaching and learning to the idea of students making their own journey ultimately to a position of intellectual independence .
9 And I had a couple of months making it and god , it was such a wonderful time I had and writing the lyrics and saying things about love and feelings that have meant something to me over the years .
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