Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] once [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 After the failure of The Family Reunion his first instinct was to start work at once on a new play which would avoid the failures of the earlier one .
2 Very few films are about rape , although it crops up all over the place — from the narrative device launching an endless cycle of Death Wish movies , to general ’ scene-setting ’ in war movies and crime thrillers , or used with sublime insensitivity to illuminate ( male ) character : Robert De Niro raping his childhood sweetheart in Once Upon A Time In America , Bob Hoskins forcing himself on the maid in The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne .
3 He was preparing a series of six documentaries with the overall title of Once in a Lifetime and said the situation regarding the Women of the Year lunch fitted in perfectly .
4 AN ORGY of steam traction comes to Dorset on the weekend of September 19 and 20 with history being made as six locomotives steam at once during a special fund-raising Grand Steam Gala — the most locos ever seen in the Isle of Purbeck .
5 ( x ) Put the slide at once into a Coplin jar filled with the same fixative and leave for at least 20 min .
6 The former branch of this first dichotomy takes written language at once into a mode which speakers seldom use .
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