Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] brought [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Her figure-hugging topaz velvet suit brought out the tawny lights in her brown eyes .
2 The ghosts of Bannockburn walked abroad , as Scotland 's rugby team brought down the much-fancied England XV at Murrayfield by 13–7 and scooped all the prizes from the five-nations international championship .
3 Later that evening when they were seated comfortably in the bar Mary brought up the subject of the eerie feeling in the cutting ; they agreed it had been a most disturbing experience and that there must be some explanation .
4 The 1988 Education Reform Act brought about the greatest changes to the education system since 1944 .
5 Perhaps of all the marquetry skills , the three veneer class brought out the most consistent high levels of artistic interpretation .
6 The Oscar-winner 's shock decision brought down the curtain on a glittering 30-year screen career .
7 The marathon four mile trip brought out the best in Keep Talking and he rallied well when challenged by the useful Irish raider High Peak to win by four lengths .
8 The Ladies 60 age group brought home the highest honours : both Rita Lauder ( Hampshire & Isle of Wight ) — and Ruth Illingworth ( Essex ) reached the singles'' semi-finals , each losing to top-ranked American players , while Ruth , in a new partnership with Ann Williams ( Somerset ) , beat the numbers 1 and 2 seeded pairs to take the title at their first attempt .
9 In some rural communities the role of billeting officer brought out the worst in people , as Evelyn Waugh amusingly recorded in Put Out More Flags ( 1942 ) .
10 After the harvest Kāli brought up the cows to graze the stubble and fertilize the fields for next year 's buckwheat crop .
11 But the Cup defeat brought out the team 's fighting qualities , and a resurgence took them to the League Championship with 58 points , four ahead of Aston Villa , and with 118 goals .
12 WALT Disney 's 31st full animated feature Aladdin brought out the stars for its world premiere on the weekend in Los Angeles at a charity screening .
13 The champagne atmosphere brought out the best in the Australians .
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