Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] gave [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But I have never forgotten advice that my research adviser gave me the first time that I was pursuing a dead end : ‘ It is important to recognise when to quit . ’
2 His regular drawing practice gave him a solid understanding of the structure of the human head and hands , and he is unique amongst 18th century British painters for his custom of making detailed preparatory drawings for his portraits .
3 The silver pince-nez gave him the air of a rather unpleasant schoolmaster .
4 The reported wind speeds gave everyone a false sense of security .
5 An older club member gave me a lift back to the station and I asked her what she thought of Ten Forward .
6 Lawyer A gave him a lot of advice about what was reasonable , but it was not invariably accepted .
7 M. Lévy gave me a third more for the second vase than he had given Jean-Claude for the first one .
8 A kind choirman gave me a threepenny bit , so my total spending money for the day amounted to tenpence .
9 Being signed by Hampshire as replacement for Andy Roberts just a few months after his Test debut gave him the chance to impress Clive Lloyd in county matches and in 1982 he really came good with 134 wickets , the best season 's haul since the reduction in championship matches in 1969 .
10 We found him seated on a particularly high section of wall sketching the decoration of an inner chamber , and when I climbed up beside him I noticed his vantage point gave him a clear view of the Toyota .
11 The panic attacks gave her the perfect excuse , as no blame could possibly be attributed to her .
12 Norman 's seven-birdie course record gave him a one-shot lead playing the 18th , but he should have known his chance had gone with Faldo having won two Augusta titles in extra time .
13 They grumble that the company 's membership of the British Franchise Association gave it a ring of confidence in which investors put their faith .
14 This seems to have been an important period for Williams , for his lecture programme gave him the opportunity to broaden his contacts .
15 His only blemish on the front nine was at the second hole dropping shots at 14 and 15 brought it to four under but a good birdie at 16 and a level par finish gave him a 66 and the course record by two shots .
16 Television had brought golf to the working class and for just a moment television gave us an idea of what it meant to them .
17 ‘ Yes — bred from a mare Burun gave me the year we fought the Alan .
18 But working-class discontent was fierce and the ability of the industrial proletariat to paralyse large plants and even whole areas by strike action gave them an immediate power of disruption which the peasantry lacked .
19 Lack of sleep , food bolted too quickly , the heat and the night jogging gave him a dark-eyed expression of endurance .
20 On the first day Odd-Knut gave me a tobacco tin of worms and told me to keep them warm , and they have travelled the Arctic inside my second layer of clothing ever since , even sharing my sleeping bag at night-time .
21 The tiny movements of the wherry and the gentle , muted river sounds which came to him through the warm night air gave him no relief .
22 ‘ My sister Mary gave him the stable name ‘ Arthur ’ .
23 His $95,000 runner-up cheque gave him a clear $25,000 margin over Greg Norman .
24 Her work for the Eugenics Society and the Family Planning Association gave her a keen interest in population issues .
25 After more enquiries , a devout soccer fan gave me a selection to read .
26 ‘ I used to do a lot of home brewing and going round beer festivals gave me the idea of doing it for a living .
27 His thoughts were brought back to the present when Nanny Fanny gave him a sandwich of buttered bread thickly spread with strawberry jam .
28 The overall four-match title , run on section points , went to Steve Cooper ( Anglers Choice ) for the second year as three wins plus a runner-up placing gave him an outstanding victory accruing 39 points from a maximum 40 .
29 A shrill bleep from the missile detection system gave him a brief forewarning that his aircraft was being scanned by radar tracking devices .
30 But Mr Clinton still warned his supporters against over-confidence as a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll gave him an eight point lead over Bush .
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