Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] before it [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Dougal was halfway back to the car park before it occurred to him that flight was not necessarily the wisest course of action .
2 On hearing George Marsh shout , then scream , those in the box looked out and saw momentarily the terrifying apparition seconds before it disappeared .
3 If she had been feeling fitter and healthier , she certainly would have been better equipped to deal with the stresses , and to control her weight gain before it got out of hand .
4 Central principal John Dornan said details of the report were known to school management months before it became public — and a recent re-inspection is expected to show the school has made ‘ significant improvements ’ .
5 But it WAS clearly written by someone with an intimate knowledge of the royal marriage crisis before it became public in Andrew Morton 's controversial book .
6 Naked children splashed gleefully in the shallow water , trying to catch the occasional sand crab before it scuttled underground .
7 In the social work field this was strikingly acknowledged by the Curtis Committee on the care of children , which recommended the setting up of a Central Training Council on Child Care before it published its final report recommending radical changes in the organization of the care of deprived children .
8 The man whose car collided with a coach moments before it crashed killing three people and injuring twenty-six others says he ca n't sleep for thinking about the accident .
9 Franco 's propagandists spared no efforts to demonstrate that the international community had at last recognized the rightness of his principles , or to extol what they called the enormous political skill of the man who had foreseen the Cold War years before it became reality .
10 It appears that water in the boat was decontaminated and pumped back into the lake , cracks were welded shut , and the whole was encased in a plastic shell before it began its journey .
11 You could say he was an insider trader before it became fashionable .
12 The control tower staff saw the aircraft making a sharp left-hand climbing turn before it disappeared into thick low cloud .
13 The Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) said Mr Rao was too busy fighting a factional war in his Congress Party to read intelligence reports about the attack days before it took place .
14 If , later on , he made rather too much of his lucky escape from one of Hitler 's flying bombs , describing the eerie cutting out of the engine noise seconds before it dropped , the blinding flash , the tall plume of smoke as it came to its final resting place in what was known as Bomb Alley — the route from bases in the Pas de Calais , via Kent to the capital — it was , perhaps , understandable .
15 His findings include a confession from a man who shot at the UN plane minutes before it crashed .
16 GUINNESS HAS PULLED OUT ALL THE technological stops in its latest marketing drive — and employees were among the first to see the imaginative Taste Sensation before it went out on the road .
17 The truck finally swerved off the road and jounced across pine roots before it stalled with a jerk in the middle of a little grove .
18 Witnesses saw the jet belch smoke before it exploded into pieces .
19 The programme in which he was seen chasing his fire engine before it sped off drew some criticism from the Berkshire and Reading Fire Service .
20 There will also be footage of the Runcorn-Widnes transporter bridge before it closed in the early sixties and shots of the construction of the new Birkenhead tramway earlier this year .
21 The government , which had reportedly paid US$120,000,000 in debt interest arrears to the two multilateral agencies in the previous six months , had still to repay a further $540,000,000 in further interest payments before it became eligible for new loans .
22 Recognizing the all-too familiar symptoms , Manville fought against the gathering depression before it took too firm a hold on him .
23 He was across the road and halfway back down Fleet Street before it occurred to him that they had been staring at him like that because they thought he was trying to push in at the head of the queue .
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