Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] for [noun] purpose " in BNC.

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1 Chidambaram said that the aim was to make the rupee convertible for trade purposes in three to five years .
2 Timber used on building sites for construction purposes such as shuttering and formers is usually discarded — often just burnt .
3 A question restricted to the junior members : what name is applied to the Welsh Narrow gauge railways for publicity purposes ?
4 Customs has ruled that , following a European Court of Justice judgement , the basic activities of a holding company , such as acquiring subsidiaries or defending against takeovers , are not business activities for VAT purposes .
5 The use of the MLA logo for business purposes is restricted to two categories of membership : companies which have already had locksmiths accepted as corporate members of the MLA ( and which meet additional set criteria ) , and affiliate members .
6 The sub-contractor will normally make a request for interim payment and raise a tax invoice for VAT purposes on completion of the work .
7 Shortly before Sikes 's death in 1803 his hydrometer had been adopted by the government excise department for revenue purposes .
8 Maturity data shown here for the Peel and Beatrix areas of the Netherlands ( Kuyl and Patijn , 1961 ) are not directly comparable with the other Carboniferous data as these were derived from volatile matter determinations ; the data have been transformed to vitrinite reflectance equivalent for display purposes using the relationships established by McCartney and Teichmüller ( 1972 ) .
9 Apart from the supplied software there existed a simple camera control program written in M68000 assembly language for course purposes .
10 Each activity is listed discretely in the National Certificate Catalogue for certification purposes .
11 The plant and machinery content of a development is an important planning area for tax purposes and detailed costings of the development assist in identifying any qualifying element .
12 Similarly , certain information produced by the finance function for external agencies ( eg weekly returns of staff working hours for payment purposes ) caused problems , but in most cases the form and frequency were already prescribed .
13 The Chancellor also used his statement to close the loophole whereby companies acquired other businesses merely to take advantage of their capital losses for tax purposes .
14 Moreover , DNA testing for employment purposes should not be performed if a large ethnic group would suffer .
15 Erm and i also need to be concerned that the health authority I think is claiming that this merger will actually give them a better erm size population for research purposes for for purchasing , however , I think that it may well be that particular health needs , people in West Essex and Harlow in particular which has , for example , a rapidly ageing population and therefore needs facilities had not been planned into the town by way of health erm , that those statistics , those pockets of need are going to get overlooked in a much more large and vast disparate statistical picture , stretching from Hertfordshire right across to the coast I think it 's too big a sample and we need to make sure that our specific needs are n't going to be overlooked in all that .
16 The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace ( CCJP ) issued a statement in Harare on March 27 accusing ZANU-PF of responsibility for the near-fatal shooting incident which , allegedly , occurred in the presence of uniformed police , and which it described as a " gross misuse of state machinery for intimidation purposes " .
17 Each industry , in consultation with its sponsor department , has determined its own discount rate for appraisal purposes , choosing a rate believed to be consistent with earning a 5 per cent required rate of return ( RRR ) on its investment programme as a whole .
18 ( d ) Availability and use of video recording facilities for interview purposes .
19 Section 50A states that copyright is not infringed by a lawful user making an additional copy of a computer program for back-up purposes if doing so is necessary to the lawful use .
20 M2 includes notes and coins , plus non-interest-bearing sterling sight deposits held by the private sector in United Kingdom banks plus interest-bearing deposits held by the private sector in United Kingdom banks and building societies for transactions purposes .
21 Regular meetings with other health visitors for information purposes or purely as support groups can help you to combat the isolation sometimes described by health visitors working in both rural and inner city communities .
22 Another useful training procedure for health purposes is to lift the dog 's feet regularly so that you can examine them .
23 SQL/DS Database Services Utility ( DBSU ) is used to unload and load database tables for archive purposes
24 The use of a choke chain for training purposes is not favoured by all trainers , but provided that it is fitted correctly then it should not injure the puppy , and can prove useful in ensuring that it learns to walk properly on the leash .
25 He was also the first person to use coal gas for lighting purposes .
26 The specificity also assists in the construction of parsimonious , but relevant , information systems for control purposes .
27 The book English for Study Purposes ( Smith and Coffey 1982 : 35 ) gives the following instruction after a reading comprehension passage :
28 Banks , required to retain computer records for audit purposes , were advised in the US in the early 1980s that no archived magnetic medium over three years old should be regarded as reliable .
29 The University ( formerly the City of London Polytechnic ) is in the heart of Britain 's business community and has more than 25 years experience of teaching English for Business Purposes .
30 It is aimed at providing practising teachers of English as a Foreign Language with the additional skills and knowledge required to operate effectively in the field of teaching English for Business purposes .
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