Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] be called [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A council carpenter was called and the men entered the house , said Anthony Owens , prosecuting yesterday at Ipswich Magistrates ' Court .
2 John Bartell , chairman of the Prison Officers Association , said yesterday there was a ‘ distinct possibility ’ of a strike ballot being called when the union holds its annual conference next week .
3 Ministry of Defence police were called when they were still there at 10.15pm — after the site should have closed .
4 Bomb squad detectives were called when initial reports suggested animal rights campaigners were responsible .
5 Fire crews were called when tyres on an articulated tipper truck carrying slag from British Steel 's Redcar blast furnace caught fire early yesterday .
6 A Home Office pathologist was called and pupils at the school were turned back and the school closed after a caretaker found the body beside tennis courts at breakfast time .
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