Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [be] sent to " in BNC.

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1 These mechanics for transfer are strictly not dealt with through the post but the Filing and Record Department which is at Room 81 , Royal Courts of Justice , London WC2A 2LL although it is prepared to make an exception provided all of the documents , so far as applicable , set out in the above Practice Direction are sent to it by post ( an unofficial proforma provided to solicitors in fact repeats the list ) ; though in lieu of the proforma no doubt a letter referring to the items in the list would equally suffice .
2 ( 3 ) The general practitioner review prompt is sent to the patient only when the results of the blood and urine tests have been received by the database .
3 Electronic mail messages are sent to the terminals of relevant users , telling them when exceptional events occur .
4 Also much pig iron is sent to Sheffield .
5 Most of your study materials are sent to you through the post .
6 A mail message is sent to that user requesting that the package be approved by the given date .
7 In Birmingham on Sept. 2 , shops in the Handsworth area were looted after a power cut , and some 200 riot police were sent to the area .
8 Luke writes that the Angel Gabriel was sent to a town called Nazareth , in Galilee , to a girl called Mary .
9 Each year , the audited accounts and accompanying audit report are sent to the Secretary of State who , in turn , presents them to Parliament .
10 Copies of optometry feedback are sent to the patient 's general practitioner , who is thereby kept informed of eye assessments .
11 The following headlines are from different cases but the occupational theme remains the same : Headmaster cuddled boys ( Star ) ; Sex shame of a head ( Daily Mirror ) ; SEX SHAME TEACHER IS SENT TO PRISON Assault on his boys ( Sun ) ; Teacher in sex case to appeal ( Middlesex Chronicle ) ; SEX SIR 'S SHAME ( Sun ) ; A TEACHER 'S EVIL LUST He took sex snaps of kids ( Star ) ; Teacher accused ( Star ) ; Child sex offender given job in school ( Daily Mail ) ; KIDDIES POSE IN PORN SHAME : 15 years of sex snaps ( Sun ) ; SEX SHAME OF A HOSTEL CHIEF ( Star ) ; Child expert jailed for sex assaults ( Daily Mail ) ; Mercy for a vicar ( Star ) ; Choirmaster 's shame ( Daily Mail ) ; MINISTER IN SEX CASE FACES SACK ( Star ) ; TV churchman 's sex with sailor ( Sun ) ; A vicar shamed ( Star ) ; Kinky cop 's secret shame ( Daily Mirror ) .
12 The local cadres recognised their protest as legal and an investigation team was sent to the college to see if their complaints had any substance .
13 There was also danger of assassination squads being sent to Morocco ; Iranian officials had begun to stay such things as that the Shah and his family would be " hunted down like Eichmann " .
14 There is now , generally , a separate bank mortgage form to deal with a floating overdraft but again , when dealing with a bank , it is vital to check which mortgage form is sent to you .
15 A short textbook on diabetic eye disease was sent to each participating optometrist , who also attended educational meetings at which the importance of dilated funduscopy was emphasised .
16 ( Three separate negotiating teams were sent to each country tendering offers for the Urengoi gas pipeline , as a result of which the FRG , much to her surprise , found herself underbid at the end of the day . )
17 A certified copy of the entries in the court books is sent to the court to which the proceedings are transferred ; so are all other documents , but in enforcement or payment into court cases only if the transfer ee court so requests ( Ord 16 , r 4(3) , ( 4 ) ) .
18 In an operation co-ordinated by the UN , four ferry boats were sent to the Albanian port of Durres and took the refugees to Brindisi in Italy , where special trains were waiting to take the majority to West Germany .
19 Nick Wright of the Photo Co-op also took four or five groups around the exhibition , and some 400 Education Packs were sent to schools around the country , explaining what Magnum is , how it started with a small band of six , and how it has now grown to over a hundred , with offices in New York , Paris and London .
20 And er some of the things that er all assignment details are sent to the to the estate agent not to home .
21 Suppose an interrupt signal is sent to the control unit by a transput device while the instruction at location n is being executed .
22 The issue of German military involvement abroad became slightly blurred in late April when a total of 750 Bundeswehr troops were sent to Iran to build camps for Kurdish refugees [ see pp. 38127-28 ] .
23 This Job Control file is sent to the batch queue by the SUBMIT-JOB command as described above .
24 During his time at the farm , four baby monkeys were sent to a lab in Israel .
25 ( 4 ) A copy of the relevant appointment letter is sent to this office for our reference .
26 When the final offer document is sent to the Panel a document charge is payable according to the scales set out in the Blue Book .
27 CW reported that , during discussions at the specialist gardens , YBG and LBG felt that they would like the facility to handle and update their own records on their own equipment , with batch mode updates being sent to E on disk .
28 The certificates and diplomas and records of achievement for centre candidates are sent to the centres concerned for distribution .
29 A copy of the notice served on the group of insurance companies was sent to W. Plc. but it was given no opportunity to make representations and it had no right of appeal under Lautro 's 1988 Rules .
30 The disease notifiable under the EC Plant Health Directive was identified after a suspect sample was sent to the Ministry of Agriculture for advisory identification .
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