Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] at about [adj] " in BNC.

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1 When your first telegram arrived at about two a.m. a few nights ago requesting destination for the modified aircraft , I thought that Stirling had spoken to B.G.S. here and fixed his requirements with you .
2 The British Sub Aqua Club ( BSAC ) has just reported a record-breaking year , with the number of dives off the UK coast estimated at about two million — 100 per cent up on the previous year .
3 " The ebb runs at about two knots at half-tide , " the Inspector said .
4 That may seem anything but recent , but remember that a million years is a relatively insignificant span of time compared with the age of the Earth , at present reckoned at about 4,600 million years .
5 Almost total clearance occurred at about 3500 B.P. The Standing Stones of Callanish are thought to date from 3750 — 3500 B.P.
6 By the early 1800s it had even become a staple food , with annual consumption running at about 10 kilos per person in Britain .
7 Despite the fact that the DoH expects our contribution to the voluntary sector to stay at about 20 per cent , we will still have some problems keeping the voluntary sector 's involvement at the same level as last year ’ .
8 The accident occurred at about 3.30 p.m .
9 Tanzania 's elephant population stands at about 55,000 , but was more than twice that size before widespread poaching from 19801989 nearly wiped out its herds .
10 David Cordery , operations manager for Oxford , told The Bookseller that the robbery happened at about 5.30 p.m. when two staff were cashing up at one of the shop 's three tills .
11 Thus , while a two child family would have begun paying income tax at about average earnings in the mid-1950s , its liability to income tax began at about half average earnings by the mid-1970s .
12 Sound travels at about 340 metres per second in air .
13 The 25 November fire in the Body Shop started at about 2.40 am , and the whole of the shop and its contents , including the workmen 's benches and tools , were entirely destroyed , only portions of the walls , columns and ironwork remaining .
14 They supported a total population estimated at about 100 million , which remained more or less static from 1600 to 1850 — or about 5 people per square mile of cultivable land .
15 Although climatic changes undoubtedly occurred during the post-glacial , it appears that the principal determinants of regional vegetational change in the Outer Hebrides have been natural soil changes , with widespread leaching , podsolisation , and bog development beginning at about 7000 B.P. From about 5000 B.P. or even earlier ( Bohnke , 1988 ) , human influence has also been an important factor .
16 Unless I was awakened by the departure of a bed-fellow who had to work or study , poor girl , my day began at about nine or thereabouts , with a leisurely shower and a small black coffee .
17 Because of the persistent influence of the mountains , sometimes a ridge in the flow pattern develops at about 15 degrees of longitude upstream .
18 The collision occurred at about 9.15 this morning , when there was torrential rain across much of the Cotswolds .
19 Case White , as the invasion was codenamed , was aborted by a signal issued at about 7.30 p.m. on August 25 , because Mussolini and Ciano , when it came to it , summoned up the courage to tell Hitler the truth at last .
20 A map of the Chiswick area published at about 1860 , shows two inns , one on either side of Acton Lane , on the north side of Chiswick High Road , and close by ‘ Caughts ’ the butcher 's slaughterhouse and shop ; a square in front of the Infant 's National School , called Essex Place Square , with Mill 's Row to the north .
21 Even so , the general average remained at about 60 hours per week .
22 The bed lies at about present high tide level , so that there is no indication of marine action at levels as high as at present .
23 The top of the haze layer came at about 7,000 ‘ ft ‘ .
24 The incident happened at about nine-thirty this morning , but details were n't released by the Civil Aviation Authority until late this afternoon .
25 The attack happened at about 8.30 a.m. yesterday morning .
26 A survey in Charity Trends ( 1990 ) of the top 400 companies in the United Kingdom showed corporate support as a share of profit running at about 0.6 per cent .
27 Mosaics cover the half-domes of the niches but only the extreme left doorway — the Porta di Sant Allipio — has its original mosaic of the thirteenth century ; this illustrates the transportation of S. Mark 's body to the new church and shows how the church looked at about 1210 , based upon Justinian 's Church of the Holy Apostles ( PLATE 34 ) .
28 The next day , after sporadic incidents , violent disorder erupted at about 7.00 p. m .
29 The alarm came at about three in the morning , a barn-owl 's screech out of the night from Meurig on top of the ridge to Iorwerth waking and on guard at the camp .
30 Our line would follow the Great Triangular Icefield , a feature angled at about 50 degrees , dotted with ice cliffs here and there , to its apex 1500 feet higher .
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