Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] pass through the " in BNC.

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1 The unfocused light has to pass through the retina on its journey to the mirror and this degrades the quality of the image .
2 One of the nine graduates from the estimable Haringey ( now London ) Cricket College to have passed through the first-class portals , the seamer from St Lucia found himself plopped at the top of the order in the absence of four injured batsmen , this despite a previous firstclass output of 0 and 4 not out .
3 The previous day the Pentagon had issued a statement claiming that the photograph had passed through the hands of a " ring of Cambodia opportunists led by a well-known and admitted fabricator " of information about MIAs .
4 They are generally operated on a fixed cycle , so that , when a known volume of water has passed through the plant , a valve is turned so as first to backwash the bed to cleanse the zeolite , and then to pass in brine for a fixed time to regenerate the material .
5 The water having to pass through the media en route to the pump , there was no clogged impeller to worry about .
6 The forester had passed through the village recently .
7 A great deal of Thomas 's trade had passed through the hands of Spencer Grenfell who seemed to have trouble bringing in payment to her father on time .
8 As to the case for Monktonhall , it seems that the hon. Gentleman is seeking privatisation before a Bill has passed through the House .
9 The second Bill had passed through the House of Commons only to be thrown out by the House of Lords which could reject all legislation except money bills .
10 If you 're comparing us with primary and secondary schools we have to remember that the erm the great erm age bulge pass has passed through the primary schools and is passing through the secondary schools and is still to reach higher education .
11 About that number had passed through the turnstiles and his experienced eye estimated no more in the crowd , but … how many other , unseen , watchers had witnessed that particular match ?
12 It was learned later that the plane had flown through overhead high tension power cables and left the topmost cable intact ; 132,000 volts of electricity had passed through the aircraft , igniting all flammable material on board .
13 ‘ We rejoice that our brother has passed through the valley and is in the everlasting arms of the Saviour ’ might mean something to a Christian but it is difficult for anyone else to understand .
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