Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] himself [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Adam lost his spiritual purity through eating the forbidden fruit , so God gave him the opportunity to reinstate himself partially through immersion in the original water which came from Eden .
2 Coleridge in his state of enhanced perception feels himself part of nature .
3 ‘ a member of a college puts himself voluntarily under a peculiar system of law , and assents to being bound by it , and can not thereafter complain that such system is not in accordance with that adopted by the common law .
4 The barman dragged himself away from the knot of men deep in conversation about the price fetched by a piece of land across the road .
5 The judge swung himself calmly into the saddle and the mare stood without moving whilst he adjusted his stirrups .
6 In the preface to another intelligence report , the SEAC Assistant Director of Intelligence addressed himself squarely to some of the political problems which were being faced .
7 Jeopardy pushed himself away from the wall , his arms still folded .
8 The Consul General addressed himself exclusively to the Substitute in slow , accurate Italian , pronounced with his native accent .
9 However , Mains regards himself more as a forward coach these days , and will obviously make his strongest impact there — especially if Brewer is there to help .
10 A measure of Bryan Gould 's courage is his decision to put himself forward for both leader and deputy leader .
11 If we are alert to textual detail — and all studies of the reverberations of imagery in the Miller 's Tale tell us that it is a tale that encourages us to be so ( see below ) — then we can also find a suggestive parallel between Absolon 's inability to detach himself entirely from the vulgarities of the human world and the Host 's failure to impose an elegantly hierarchical structure on the tale-telling competition .
12 Each new king presented himself here with his various dignitaries for a robing ceremony before proceeding to the High Altar .
13 The lustful person puts out strong sexual energy and attracts the same , while the peaceful and loving heart finds himself automatically with those of a similar disposition .
14 In addition , we can point to certain temperamental facts : most obviously , the youthfully ardent seriousness ; then the self-consciousness of the gifted and isolated individual — a consciousness of his own giftedness , one might add , which shades into a growing concern with the problems surrounding genius as such , and which helps to intensify an already strong impulse to express himself articulately in writing ; and , finally , a compulsion to relate his music , his philosophy- his Greece to each other .
15 In the same year , the tsar involved himself personally in the foundation of the reformist journal Military Miscellany .
16 Why should a real man lock himself away from such pleasures , eh ? ’
17 A midheight spar joining the pillar to the cabin after bulkhead allows cook to wedge himself firmly in position at sea without having to use a safety strap .
18 But I do n't think the branch secretary bothered himself much about it .
19 MAGISTRATES asked a man to defend himself yesterday in a bid to save his job .
20 He clambered aboard the coach , the juniors raised a brief , cheeky cheer , half mocking and half friendly , the driver hoisted himself imperturbably into his cab , and the coach started up and surged ponderously through the gates and away along the Silcaster road .
21 The Emperor , who had set out to find a partner in a European congress found himself instead with an ally engaged in a European war .
22 It is likely that the church planter will soon want to leave his secular employment to devote himself fully to the work .
23 Uncomfortably the Doctor edged himself closer on his knees .
24 This surrender was legitimized only if the monarch devoted himself unsparingly to the good of the state and his subjects .
25 Richard Baxter 's view that it was advantageous for a pastor to be celibate in order to give himself fully to the work of the ministry was well known .
26 In view , however , of what he said about student support , compared with what the citizens advice bureaux say about student support — the citizens advice bureaux deal with real students suffering real hardship in the real world , while the Prime Minister hides himself away behind locked gates in 10
27 The porter planted himself firmly in the aperture , presumably in case they changed their minds .
28 The pimp raised himself slowly on his elbows , Chen 's gun pressed all the while against his right temple .
29 As body weight is transferred back to the centre of the machine , lifting the bike still further , the rider heaves himself forward over the front .
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