Example sentences of "[noun sg] [verb] himself at [art] " in BNC.

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1 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
2 he sez they went to several addresses but then the driver surrendered himself at the police station .
3 The Careys were also in attendance : Lady Carey glowered whilst her husband busied himself at the far end of the room , totally ignoring our existence .
4 When the plaintiff presented himself at the theatre , the defendant , who was X 's servant and manager of the theatre , detected the plaintiff and refused to admit him .
5 As soon as the basic tasks were finished , it was Jonadab 's custom to seat himself at the parlour table with a ledger and a leather drawstring bag full of money .
6 In June 1915 my father commented : " I am coming to the conclusion that the heir to the throne of Solomon is at heart a Moslem and is entertaining dreams of one day putting himself at the head of the Mohammadan Abyssinians , and of producing a Moslem kingdom that will stretch far beyond the frontiers of his present Empire . "
7 During my last visit to Bara in September 1992 Ian Jack , Manager at Lochboisdale and the Manager responsible for Castlebay , came across in this self-same partly-open-to-the elements ferry becoming totally saturated in the process and had to spend the morning drying himself at the Castlebay heater .
8 Three narrow and thoroughly encouraging defeats ( 1–0 , 5–0 , 9–0 ) kicked off the 55/56 season and raffle winner Sid Beamish found himself at the helm .
9 The male positions himself at the edge of the nest and fires a rapid succession of water droplets one to two inches out of the water and onto the nest itself to possibly agitate the eggs for recognition purposes .
10 The evening arrived , the boys took their places , the master in a cook 's uniform stationed himself at the copper .
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