Example sentences of "time [prep] which he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Substantial doubts had been raised by the difficultly of Coleman 's having committed the crime in the short space of time for which he had no alibi on the night of the murder , and by numerous statements gathered after the trial attesting that another resident of the small town of Grundy had boasted of having committed the crime .
2 This continued for a long time during which he shuffled his feet uncomfortably , controlling his immediate impulse to shout at her to be quiet .
3 The Secretary of State was empowered by section 14(4) to dispense with the nationality requirement in the case of an individual on the ground of the length of time during which he had resided in the United Kingdom and had been involved in the fishing industry there .
4 Christ , as God , was omniscient , his outlook not limited by the time in which he lived .
5 I think if you ha , if you look at Burns in the context of the time in which he lived , he was not an exceptional drinker or an exceptional womanizer , we 're a lot like him
6 Integral parts of a coherent musical expression , consistent with the time in which he flourished , they provide vivid illustration of the organic relationship between a musical repertory , the instrument for which it was written , and the performance practice .
7 He would soon use these newly acquired talents in the play Jimmy Shine , but the only time in which he has attempted to sing on film were in his two biggest turkeys — Who Is Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying Those Terrible Things About Me ? and Ishtar .
8 In calculating the time when a review is due , the starting point is : ( a ) where a person is arrested outside the police station ( i ) the time he arrives at the relevant station ; or ( ii ) the time 24 hours after the time of his arrest , whichever is the earlier ; ( b ) where a person attends the police station voluntarily and is subsequently arrested there the time of arrest ; ( c ) where a person is arrested outside England and Wales : ( i ) the time he arrives at the first station to which he is taken in the police area in which the offence for which he has been arrested is being investigated ; or ( ii ) 24 hours after the time of his entry into the country whichever is the earlier ; ( d ) where a person is arrested in another part of the country and has to be taken to the police area where the offence is being investigated for questioning — the time at which he arrived at the first police station in the police area in question .
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