Example sentences of "two [noun pl] who have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There were minor disturbances in the Amman governorate on Aug. 18 during by-elections for the House of Representatives , called to replace two deputies who had died earlier in the year .
2 There they managed to capture two Germans who had stopped their lorry for a rest , and obtained a jerrycan full of water .
3 As they spoke , Tiny and Joe Jacklin , two brothers who had worked in Yanto 's gang on the ‘ Marit ’ , cycled past on their way home .
4 Sleazy , sexy , sophisticated and gay — but never insistently so — this is the tale of Pablo and Tino , two brothers who have lived apart since their parents separated when they were young .
5 Of course some are useful in identifying spies who would have otherwise gone on undetected but often this is not all it seems , as the Russians may have decided to expose one or two spies who have served their purpose in order to protect a more important one still at work .
6 Before she could move or speak , the two guards who had brought her retreated back into the corridor , leaving her alone in the office .
7 In fact there were only four , but that looked quite enough for the two dare-devils who 'd volunteered to take part .
8 This drew a little laughter from one or two shoppers who had gathered to listen to the exchange between the fishmonger and this well dressed and clearly foreign lady .
9 No. 3 was directly opposite the palace , only a minute away , but he was stopped twice by tourists whose thick German accents he could n't begin to understand , and then by having to settle a violent argument between two drivers who had managed to crash while manoeuvring their cars out of their parking spaces .
10 In 1914 , a member wrote in the suggestion book that the Professional 's shop be left open until after the 6.25 train to Paddington has left , and added that two visitors who had played and left their clubs to be cleaned by the caddies found the Professional 's shop closed when they went to collect them .
11 In fact , he 'd been one of two warders who had escorted Derek Bentley from the condemned cell to the hangman on January 281953 .
12 Jim Cadman , one of the two businessmen who have launched FTC , says : ‘ We are talking to UEFA at the moment .
13 A member of the research team interviewed a number of pupils in two classes who had tackled the questions .
14 On March 15 two Albanians who had crossed the border illegally into Greece were killed by Greek police , in what was reportedly a scuffle , followed by a chase , in the Filiaton region .
15 Matthew Clarke , QC , for TV Licensing , part of the Post Office , maintained that two officers who had called at Mr Guest 's house had genuinely believed that they had seen a flickering light .
16 What did she know of this man who was now her husband , and what was to become of them , two strangers who had begun to be familiar with each other 's bodies but knew nothing of the thoughts and emotions that lay within .
17 In 1989 the same two patients who had had dysplastic changes in the corpus specimens three years earlier again showed slight dysplasia .
18 TWO youths who had spiked a social worker 's toast with rat poison were yesterday referred to the Children 's Hearing for sentence .
19 Even the two youths who had attacked him had by now disappeared from view .
20 After a lot of pestering I was allowed to speak to two friends who had come to court with me , and I was appalled by having to speak to them through a glass and metal grille thing .
21 Two councillors who have served Hartlepool for a total of 26 years have been nominated Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the municipal year beginning on May 19 .
22 At the time she was lodging with two ladies who had lost their brother in the First World War .
23 Today I have with me two ladies who have embarked on a career in science .
24 She is attractive 44-year-old brunette Pammy Jane Farquhar and he is Prince Charles , two soulmates who have offered each other a shoulder to cry on .
25 It was decided to have two selectors who have made significant contributions to contemporary art ; one artist and one critic .
26 He turned to the two men who had followed him up the gangway .
27 ‘ She had been brought out to Romiley in a car by two men who had poured petrol on her and set her alight . ’
28 A LORRY driver told the High Court in Inverness yesterday of the night he had been masked , bound and abducted by two men who had threatened to shoot him after his load of spirits , tobacco and foodstuffs had been stolen from Inverness .
29 Out own men are still on the critical list , " he added , but Katherine was n't interested in the condition of the two men who had gone to Hyde 's rooms two days ago looking for her son .
30 The two men who had stood behind him gave their names quickly , eagerly , anxious to avoid association .
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