Example sentences of "two [noun] had be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It seems unlikely that , seventy years later , Ulpian thought that all difference between the two institutions had been eliminated .
2 Both sides had again overclaimed substantially ; only two Hurricanes had been lost — probably at least one Messerschmitt pilot thought that he had shot down Fred Robertson 's aircraft .
3 Charlotte , Richard Carew 's wife , became a recluse after her two sons had been murdered .
4 Another two pickets had been arrested during scuffles when the dayshift workers were leaving .
5 An opportunity occurred soon after ; nearby , two houses had been demolished , leaving a heap of assorted wood .
6 He then telephoned the shop and warned the staff that two bombs had been placed and would explode within 10 minutes .
7 The minister who conducted the service said the two Germans had been drawn to the Scottish mountains like a magnet .
8 The meaning(s) of — ness can , moreover , be glossed : ‘ the degree to which ( he was kind ) ’ or ‘ the fact that ( he was kind ) ’ ; also , these meanings are recurrent — they appear also in coolness and foolishness ( notice that if the two meanings had been signalled by two different affixes , there would be no problem about their status as constituents ) .
9 The search for signs of God in nature had often been based on the assumption that the two books had been written in essentially the same language .
10 Last night Hampshire police confirmed that two fans had been charged with public order offences .
11 On Nov. 13 the UK Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd told the House of Commons that warrants for the arrest of the two Libyans had been issued by Lord Fraser , Scotland 's Lord Advocate .
12 Two dentists had been killed in their clinic by a shell just before the convoy arrived , and after it left shots were fired at the medical shift coming from Sarajevo to relieve the surgeons .
13 The other two aircraft had been damaged but got off with bullet holes only . ’
14 The report by the two umpires had been delayed in the post , we were told .
15 You could even sense it in the village , ever since those two kids had been drowned ; business was running as usual , but the spirit of the place somehow was n't quite the same .
16 Gresham chairman Sid Green professed himself ‘ modestly satisfied ’ with the company 's pre-tax profit of £767,000 on sales of £7.25m — last year 's sales were £6.29m but the two companies had been combined for only part of the accounting period .
17 In another experiment , subjects were woken either five or fifteen minutes after REM sleep had started , and asked to estimate which of the two intervals had been used .
18 Immediately the two youngsters had been forced to descend back down into the tunnel .
19 After his walkout Paisley stated that the DUP would not rejoin the talks until discussion of Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish Republic 's Constitution , which established a territorial claim to Northern Ireland , was given priority , and he claimed that the two Articles had been placed " at the bottom of the agenda " .
20 Negotiations over a joint fishing agreement between the two countries had been disrupted by incidents between Trinidadian fishermen and Venezuelan coastguards which had led to the death of one Trinidadian in October 1989 .
21 Joyce began this at once , before war between the two countries had been declared , though after the attack on Poland was launched .
22 Relations between the two countries had been normalized in November 1991 [ see p. 38574 ] .
23 A joint statement issued by Iran and the United Kingdom in New York on Sept. 27 announced that full diplomatic relations between the two countries had been resumed " on the basis of mutual respect " .
24 In the most positive response to date to South Korean calls for an inter-Korean summit meeting , a North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister , Kang SokChu told reporters in New York on Sept. 17 that President Kim Il Sung hoped to hold such a summit with President Roh Tae Woo , now that the two countries had been admitted to the UN and " recognized as legitimate governments by the international community " .
25 Although relations with China had improved at a less dramatic pace , in 1990 a South Korean team had participated in the Asian Games in Beijing and a trade agreement between the two countries had been signed [ see p. 38623 ] .
26 It certainly did not mean that the two movements had been fused into a single whole .
27 Two miners had been instructed to bring down an unsafe part of the roof which presented a danger to the miners .
28 The Foreign Ministry on Aug. 21 announced that there had been discovered an attempt by supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mohamed Taki to destabilize the government , and that one French mercenary and two Comorans had been arrested .
29 By December 1988 two zones had been announced based at Chhukha and Demphu .
30 Already set out was a delectable-looking salad , and two places had been laid .
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