Example sentences of "two [noun] be [that] the " in BNC.

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1 However , the easiest way to distinguish the two groups is that the walker/scrambler will stand at the bottom of a difficult and dangerous mountain looking for a safe and easy way up , and the climber/dangler will stand at the foot of a safe and easy mountain looking for a difficult and dangerous way up .
2 The effect of these two prescriptions was that the principal repayments of loans raised were taken off the balance sheet and put through the revenue account .
3 The consequence of the Knoyles ' poverty and the Hutchings ' absenteeism over the previous two centuries was that the Manor House had a miraculous escape from Georgian owners wanting to keep up with the times .
4 We are introduced to Pemberton at the point where he is screwing up courage to say something about money , and all that happens in the subsequent two paragraphs is that the boy returns and his effort is frustrated .
5 The difference between the two countries is that the formal wording of the United States Constitution can be amended only by an extraordinary process , i.e. , one that goes beyond the provisions employed for amending the ordinary law .
6 The obvious difference between the two actions is that the hammer in Walter 's action points towards the player while the hammer in Cristofori 's action points away ( compare illus.2,3 ) .
7 ( The main difference between the two studies is that the American forecasters assume a fairly high level of growth in total employment while the British researchers are more pessimistic , predicting that employment over the 10 years will fall by 3 per cent . )
8 In reality , the only difference between the two media is that the public knows how newspapers get their stories — though they do n't know that it 's exactly the same way as people in television get them .
9 The main difference between the two tasks was that the causal task required a choice between two different events ( the cause and the effect of B ) , whereas the temporal task required a choice between two different event-orders .
10 The difference between these two sections is that the former is supposed to show you where you should start pursuing the main themes of the chapter .
11 The biggest single difference between the two Cabinets is that the American version is not a collective policy-making body of any significance .
12 The main difference between the two types is that the helicopter radio will have two separate channels for the throttle and collective pitch controls which will both be operated by one axis of a control stick .
13 The most significant difference between the two types is that the latter require large investment of capital to buy plant and equipment , jigs , tools and dies , factories to stock raw materials and so on ; while the service trades do not .
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