Example sentences of "two [noun] [conj] that [is] " in BNC.

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1 What happens is that the council is Liberal Democrat controlled and the area council is Labour controlled and these two fight and that 's allowed the third obnoxious force to creep through so it 's not just Conservative cabinet government that is the problem .
2 ‘ I 'm aware that the engine note from his car is different to the other two Subarus but that is down to the exhaust system — nothing more .
3 You will see that there is a very similar distribution of the severity of symptoms of the symptom of frequency in the two groups and that is the case for all the symptoms which were recorded .
4 But we er are welcoming the fact that there is a recognition of the rising population of Wales er in giving us this er this additional seat er primarily the additional population has not come in industrial South Wales which er er which er people think of perhaps as the most typically Welsh area , it 's actually in two counties of Clwyd and Dyfed that are erm growing most rapidly because of lifestyle migration , retirement migration erm into those two areas and that is why the additional seat , if you can put it that way , er takes from all the other four of course , is is the mid and West Wales seat which has been compared by the honourable member for Cornwall er tonight and it has only got a population of four hundred and one thousand but on the other hand of course it is such an extensive seat because the population sparsity in that area is much , much worse than even in Cornwall and therefore it is going to stretch from South of Milford Haven to the Llanrwst area really within probably twenty miles of the North Wales coast , it 's a who it 's the whole of two counties plus one additional very badly populated constituency erm in in the county of Gwynedd , an awkward constituency but one that we are certainly looking forward fighting and winning to give us the five out of five er now that er the boundaries are going through tonight and obviously it 's all in line really er to look at the other , the third order of course , the question of the registration of overseas voters in the nineteen ninety two election overseas voters had their first opportunity to participate in Westminster elections .
5 Afterwards , the representative from the film company said , ‘ I 've been looking after him for two weeks and that 's the first time I 've seen his teeth … . ’
6 Our crime rate erm , for burglaries is about thirty two percent and that 's home .
7 We brought the figure down having at le , and waited two years and that 's th , I think that proves the lad 's foundation to the argument of how desperate the fire service need , need this station and it has absolutely nothing to do with Dovelands school er er whatsoever as far as I 'm concerned , I 'm the spokesperson for public protection not education and that 's it and er I 'm surprised er er that I know erm er er that Mr is is a very , very good supporter of the er southern fire station and supported us in the er in the er question we asked at the last council er meeting and er I 'm surprised he has n't spoke or even Mr who er , who likes to s , who likes to speak in the chamber but I 've has n't supported the fire station .
8 for Motherwell this paper is only interested in two sports and that is football , cricket
9 okay , I ju as I say i do n't want to promise you something that that I know I 'm not going to be able to achieve in these two days because that 's not yep certainly if you want to talk about that you know as a separate thing outside the time then then we 'll be able to help you do that , okay ?
10 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
11 And I think I 'm left with two people and that 's it .
12 ‘ We do n't want to be one of those faceless bands who go on Top Of The Pops , have two hits and that 's it .
13 Of course , I can not go into detail about what we would seek to do , but I shall give one or two indications because that is only fair to the House .
14 ‘ We can do an awful lot better than that but we have the two points and that 's what matters .
15 Well at least I got something cos I put two queens and that 's what I had .
16 I think for the moment I 'll just enjoy these two dishes if that 's okay .
17 That proposition presupposes that if you make a reduction in the district figures , then you must have an idea what the district contribution towards the Greater York figure is , er and I find it difficult to see that you can have , if you have a new settlement , if you have a new settlement the C provision for the new settlement floating in this table , erm but can I just say before we adjourn for coffee , that I really would like to have some very firm answers to the questions which are posed under issue two , er and particularly about two D and that is specific guidance on the location of the new settlement .
18 ‘ I do n't want the players to drop their heads — we 're in with a chance in two competitions and that 's not bad at this stage of the season .
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