Example sentences of "two [noun] [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 It took me two hours to paint out the damage that Sweetman had caused to our hull .
2 The hydrogen supply was shut off within 10 minutes , but it took two hours to put out the blaze . ’
3 Over a lifetime these two strategies yield almost the same number of offspring but an older male clearly needs the quicker success and he takes the greater risk .
4 In many ways these two opinions sum up the different preconceptions , experiences , attitudes and priorities of the two sides .
5 A bit sentimental ( let's face it , two 35-year-olds mooching down the aisle are hardly embarking on life 's first great adventure ) but pleasant enough .
6 Of the two reasons given here the first is unconvincing in the light of the Group 's proposals on the amount of learning progress that each level would encompass .
7 The two pictures hanging on the wooden beam in the left of the photograph perhaps show a more popular way of displaying miniatures , which is nonetheless very attractive .
8 Therefore , these two speeches sum up the difference between Brutus and Cassius : Brutus works unselfishly and nobly for the good of the people of Rome , disregarding personal cost ( for it did cost Brutus a lot to kill Caesar ) , while Cassius is jealous of Caesar 's great power and begins the conspiracy with hopes of gaining more prestige and power for himself .
9 As the two fighters move around the area looking for an opening in each other 's defence , various manoeuvres to distract and break the opponent 's concentration can be employed .
10 She saw two cars disappearing down the dirt track , away from the cottage , their tail-lights gradually swallowed by the gloom and the relentless downpour .
11 Its carved edges resemble horse harnesses , while two snakes coil around the top .
12 These , these two keys produce exactly the same effect .
13 Because the two models have exactly the same implications for the data one can not use the data to discriminate between them : the two models are observationally equivalent .
14 It took Victoria just two decades to climb virtually the full length of the international road safety league table and it did so by actively engaging many organised elements of society .
15 It makes no sense for two countries to build essentially the same satellite , and the surge-tide of new satellites from Europe and Japan is threatening to kill ideas that the Americans have had for years .
16 When a protozoon divides , its two offspring have almost the same numbers as the parent , but one of them has just one number augmented by 1 and the other has just one number decreased by 1 .
17 The Corporal fired another burst and then he went off with two Commandos to find out the result .
18 The two rigs bringing up the rear , swung round in a complete circle , and reversed to sit side by side some thirty yards from the front door .
19 The two boats to take up the lead were Barthelsson and Strandman who sailed right away from the fleet , opening up an enormous lead .
20 While the two aircraft commanders get their heads together to sort out the best approach to the problem we have been set , the two pilots sort out the flying side of life .
21 The stark juxtaposition of these two statements sums up the whole dilemma facing arts teachers , and consequently illustrates the central issue I want to discuss in this chapter .
22 He and Tam Henderson spent two days setting up the recording equipment before the orchestra arrived .
23 To bring out the contrast with UK policy , we can consider a specific case , that of the MMC inquiry into the White Salt Market. ; Two firms supplied virtually the entire UK salt market and , over the 13 year period taken by the MMC , their prices had been identical and had changed identically within a few weeks of each other .
24 Two families discover how the divide between the north and the south is narrowing .
25 And it says two families discover how the divide between the north and south is narrowing .
26 Well erm two families discover how the divide between north and south is narrowing and one lives at Wigan one family lives at Wigan and the other family , no er yeah the other family live at Bedford .
27 And two families discover how the the divide between the two is narrowing .
28 Of the other two operatives making up the team , she had always enjoyed a special rapport with the phlegmatic C. W. Whitlock .
29 confusing because you 've got two people bringing in the ideas ,
30 Yes , I must admit I had one or two people going up the loo and looking , I mean people stop and look when we first had all the stuff outside , you know , what you doing in there ?
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