Example sentences of "then she [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Then she stiffened in shocked disbelief , the Campari bottle poised precariously over her glass .
2 Then she added for good measure , ‘ I do n't know what you want to talk to me about , do I ? ’
3 Then she added with sudden firmness , ‘ But after that I shall go home .
4 ‘ Mrs Wright asked if I wanted a lift home , then she went to that house , the one in the photograph . ’
5 And then she went in one day and she knew she 'd had a thousand and said can I extend it ?
6 For a moment she could n't believe she had actually struck , then she stared in horrified fascination at the dark red stain spreading diagonally across de Raimes ' belly and down to his thigh .
7 Then she laughed with sudden pleasure .
8 Got on one tube and that broke down from the end of she 's at Liverpool Street then she had to go different end to Oxford Street , but she ended up in Charing Cross then she got on another tube line at Charing Cross and then that broke down , so she said it took hours , then she gave a taxi , had to get a taxi back to Oxford Street and , and from Oxford Street back to Waterloo and it 's four pound and he gave her a change for a tenner instead , and she gave him a twenty pound note but , you know she 's absolutely haggard , so I said it 's just as well she can have a cup of tea before she goes , I just told her briefly about that so , erm , Carla 's a bit late ai n't she ?
9 Then she began on another tack .
10 Then she thought with simple and hard resolve : It is time to get married .
11 Then she thought about those other long low huts she 'd seen in the fenced-off meadow beyond St Michael and All Angels .
12 Then she looked at Sabine .
13 In the title role , Anne Dawson remained passive until error and madness set in near the end ; then she sang with increased energy , and spun her lines with great beauty .
14 And then she hid inside this cow !
15 Then she undressed with due care for her dress , unbelievably crisp after its night of stress .
16 Then she retreated in bleak anguish to her bedroom , and sat hunched in the window-seat , looking out over the soft rolling lawns and distant Cotswold hills , dimly aware that her single most painful desire was that her mother were still alive , so she could pour out the secret desolation to the one person who 'd have understood …
17 And then she collapsed in one of the bedrooms . ’
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