Example sentences of "then she [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then she drank a glass of water and felt it trickle slowly down inside her as if she were a pipe .
2 Then she forced a smile , and said , ‘ Of course , Damien : and proffered a cheek , averted as though she was expecting a blow .
3 Then she thrust a foot against her husband 's side , saying , ‘ You had your answer , did n't you ? ’
4 Then she served a carbonnade of large cubes of beef and triangles of wholemeal bread spread with French mustard , the gravy tasting largely of Guinness .
5 Looking up , she slowly spelt out the faded letters on the broken-off arm of the signpost , and then she had a shock .
6 and then she had a party
7 Me mother used to make loaves and then she had a set of
8 Like the woman famed in the bairns ' rhyme , ‘ who lived in a shoe , and had so many children she did not know what to do , ’ Martha in her Boat-house kept so many lodgers — the cooking of meals , making of beds , and washing of linen for such a host made her often remark , ‘ I have so much wark , I dinna know what to do first ; ’ and then she had a husband to work for .
9 We went to school together , went to the same dances and then she married a soldier during the war .
10 Just then she heard a noise .
11 And then she heard a noise .
12 Then she heard a commotion in a thicket some way in front and to her left .
13 She had sat for maybe an hour , in an almost trancelike state , then she heard a rustling and approaching footsteps .
14 There was a long silence and then she heard a shuffling sound .
15 And then she heard a movement in the next room , and , dropping her towel hastily on the floor by the tub , she slipped gingerly into the steaming water .
16 And then she heard a gunshot and the sound of a horn , and looking back she saw , high on Ballymacadoyle Hill , her own father and brothers and a crowd of others too , and they were waving and shouting — and suddenly she understood exactly what was happening : they were giving her their last farewell ; she was leaving Ireland , and might never return .
17 She waited , and then she heard a car behind the hotel .
18 Then she laid a hand on Ronni 's arm and smiled into her pale face .
19 Then she hired a machine to do shirts , but they wanted too many shirts done .
20 and then she got a joiner in to do it , but you know that
21 Then she got a brand new Ford Fiesta out of the garage and drove me back to where I 'd left Armstrong in Leytonstone .
22 Then she felt a wave of dizziness as he slipped right up inside her .
23 The abrupt change of subject disconcerted her , but then she felt a measure of relief .
24 Then she felt a hand on her elbow and the voice of Bishop Jon said , ‘ I 'll take-you . ’
25 Then she felt a stab of coldness and terror , suddenly glimpsing the hopelessness of all struggle , of all life , of all love .
26 Then she felt a beast and forced herself to get out of bed .
27 Then she felt a breath of air and the creak of the door she had n't altogether shut and which led out to the courtyard .
28 And then she made a noise that sounded like Ho-Hum .
29 Then she made a fist under Bunny 's chin .
30 With Sycorax on her back , Ariel dropped on to her haunches and took up her baby and tied him in a cloth to her breast ; she rubbed his mouth with soursop juice to keep him dry so that he would not howl with discomfort to be changed ( she packed soft moss against his bottom , just to be sure ) ; then she took a basket of her herbs and preparations and whistled softly to Paca , the last of her caveys , to follow .
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