Example sentences of "then they [vb mod] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 " Then they 'll be here when the bad thing comes .
2 No , cos I 'll be sitting like you said , so then they 'll be just like everyone going , what the hell are you doing ?
3 By then they 'll be completely dry and we 'll see if they fail standard tests . ’
4 Then they 'll be there if we need them . ’
5 If they 're going to mix with the church then they 'll be only too happy to take some part in it .
6 That 's understandable and to some extent justifiable but if it creates the impression in anyone 's mind that the U S has a presidential system of government er then they would be sadly mistaken .
7 I thought that if FAKINTIL were confining themselves to bringing the mast down , then they would be just escaping now , shooting their way out of town .
8 Let Ned Clarke deal with it and then they would be out of her life .
9 More than one researcher abandoned the field with the argument that if the biochemical changes really ‘ coded for ’ memory in the brain then they would be too small to be measured , and if they were large enough to be measured then they probably were n't anything to do with memory .
10 And I think that was the situation for a lot of people , that erm if they did n't take the the flat that was offered to them , then they would be virtually erm either still on a long waiting list or homeless .
11 Make it clear that if they are unable to wholeheartedly support school policies then they would be better suited in a post elsewhere .
12 but if you think about it , if you 've done a good job , you 've done a good presentation , done a good fact find and they buy , then they should be very happy at that moment in time and er it was stupid because that is the right time to actually ask
13 If targets are to have any meaning then they must be neither too easy nor too hard .
14 erm the thing about this title portrait which I always er like to emphasize and is that when you 're using props like these stools or any other props at all in this sort of glamour photography then they must be in absolutely pristine condition , and they are here .
15 However , surely if they were used in the right situations , then they could be extremely useful ?
16 Erm , it 's once a week , but I think they 're coming in the they 're here twice this week er , and I think , it 's as and when they can , so if it 's more than once a week then they will be here .
17 When learners are called upon to use the language being learned for some communicative purpose , a purpose other than language practice , then they will be naturally disposed to draw upon the systemic resources which have proved serviceable in the past for the achievement of indexical meaning .
18 If invitations can be issued sensitively and with thought then they will be much appreciated by the recipient .
19 But if a person with a roughly similar disability is socially isolated , or the home environment has actually precipitated or exacerbated the illness , then they will be gravely handicapped in attempting to return to normal life after a period in hospital .
20 If all can be made relatively understandable to newcomers , then they will be better disposed to listening to the word of God preached with conviction , which the Bible says contains the seed of life to those who are otherwise perishing .
21 If people are aware of the fact that ( torture ) is the fault not of bad people but of bad systems — social , economic , political — then they will be more careful , and will examine the systems and try to change them , not the people . ’
22 ‘ If there are any , then they will be more frightened of us than we are of them . ’
23 If an employee respects a person for his/her knowledge or ability to do their job , then they will be more willing to take order for this person .
24 Then they 'd be as thick as thieves again .
25 People would come and stay the night and then they 'd be there a month , you know how it is : ‘ Can I stay a night ? ’ 'Sure , sure . ’
26 so then they 'd be about three pound or four pound in pocket and that 's how they , that 's how we used to help one another but once they get one rope ashore they could do it , the job see but of course there 's no boatmen today now , they call theirself boatmen but there ai n't one of the buggers going in a boat , I do n't suppose they could row a boat now .
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