Example sentences of "then i [modal v] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then I shall inform the Public Prosecutor 's department that I 've informed both of you .
2 If , at the end of several hours ' watching , I can walk into the Guitarist studio and sit behind the desk with any confidence at all , then I shall declare the whole operation a complete success .
3 Then I shall get a train in the opposite direction , ’ he said , thinking that there was something sad about it , especially now that she was thanking him politely for the drinks .
4 But some day — some day I 'll travel , and meet people , and know things , and then I shall write a true book — a book of experience . ’
5 I could manage to lose five or six pounds and then I would break the diet , go back to normal food and put all the weight back on again .
6 Then I would do a recitation , sometimes one of Granda 's favourites like ‘ The Arab 's Farewell to his Steed ’ .
7 Then I would build a stage .
8 then I would build a trap of poisoned
9 If it does not — and Mrs. Murray states quite clearly that it does not — then I would regard the Home Secretary as having acted contrary to his policy .
10 I would finish unpacking , have a look at the cooker and set things ready for supper , then I would take a walk out to look at the sea , and gather kindling in case the evening turned chilly enough for a fire .
11 As Layton said , ‘ He 'd get off some line , and then I would take the part of a character and so on .
12 Then I would add a good UK trust such as the Foster Braithwaite UK Smaller Companies .
13 I mean , all I use I mean , if I was making them for somebody I would use about four or five layers and then I would put a piece of lace of braid or something at the top
14 I would save some money and then I would find a man to marry me , especially if I promised to bring him to London .
15 And er then I would see the two two or three cleaners coming out and going on to the coach and cleaning them , and I would say to them , What are they for ?
16 Well now , at the end of that six months I 'd had varied success , sometimes I had poor periods when I was n't detecting much , then I would have a little break , do better , but at the end of the six months nobody told me whether I was stopping there , but twenty years later I did go back to uniform as an inspector .
17 Then I might get a couple of little soaps or something .
18 Then I might take the two out of the doll .
19 If I chose not to reap the benefits of this scheme then I might consider the fate of a few ungrateful citizens who had thought likewise and then seen their homes repossessed , had been inflicted with uncanny storms that ripped tiles from roof and threw chimney stacks into the street , had undergone torment at the hands of timeshare salespeople , had been billed for new and exorbitant taxes and had been struck off their doctors ' registers .
20 Then I might spend the rest
21 But then I might have a passenger whose company I am enjoying and do not want the intrusion .
22 Then I might have a chance of winning , at least for a week or two .
23 Then I 'll make a point of repeating it — at five-minute intervals . ’
24 then I 'll make an appointment and just
25 ‘ I 'm going to the harbourmaster 's office to get this lot dealt with , ’ he raised a sheaf of forms and permits , ‘ then I 'll refill the fuel and water tanks .
26 Then I 'll stay an old maid . ’
27 then I 'll drop the guy a couple of quid .
28 Certainly when we get settled in after Christmas that should be and I 'll shall say about six rolls but I 'll shall say six rolls and just the every time I get one roll of wallpaper up and you you 'll think oh I 'll do the rest tomorrow just a bit more , then you get one more looks alright there , the other wall and er , I 'm sat , I 've been up all night doing this shall do one more then I 'll go a bed , I get from the wife bloody hell mother what time did you go to bed , about an hour ago , could n't leave it wallpaper .
29 I can assure you that I did and I can assure you that I have already thanked him on behalf of the Council , shook his hand and said how well he done it , but if you 'd like a letter to go to say how well he done it , then I 'll send a letter telling him how well he done it .
30 Oh right , I 'll and then she 's moaning at him cos she wants to go and post it and you were mucking about with your C D thing or something and you were saying wait for me I 'll do this then I 'll miss the post .
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