Example sentences of "then [pers pn] turn [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then you turn your attention away in a minute and the rotten devils do
2 Then she turned her head deliberately aside from them , touched her heels against the chestnut 's gleaming flanks and moved away .
3 Then she turned her head and stared to the top of her cage , and then flew darkly up to it and took her usual stance staring up , up now towards the moon and distant stars .
4 When the order came she reached down to help an older woman to her feet and passed her the well-wrapped bundle , then she turned her back on the men and was swallowed by the mass of female prisoners .
5 Then she turned her attention to the tabby cat still spreadeagled on the back of the broom with its eyes screwed tightly shut and its claws gripping on for dear life .
6 She stared out for a moment longer , and then she turned her attention back inside .
7 Then she turned her attention back to the painting .
8 Then she turned her attention back to Luke 's lecture , confident that she could now listen to the once-hated voice without a pang .
9 The cat yawned and stretched and its teeth and claws flashed , then it turned its back on Millet and settled again on the lap of Michael Holly 's mother .
10 Then he turned his head to one side as if he , too , was listening to the Maltesers rolling past the front row , under the bed on which he and Andrea had cavorted , towards the French windows on the far side of his bedroom , and out into the garden .
11 Then he turned his head slowly .
12 Then he turned his head and eyed his son coldly .
13 A few people were waiting and one of them called out angrily as Joe stepped in ahead of them all , but he gave him a one-second blast of his sub-zero gaze and said , ‘ Police business , ’ and then he turned his back and forgot the man completely .
14 Then he turned his horse , galloped to the moat , and jumped into the water with our bullets flying round his ears .
15 Then he turned his attention to the small tape-recorder , which had faithfully copied the brief transmission .
16 Then he turned his attention to the door that opened into the garage .
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