Example sentences of "then [pers pn] [modal v] to be " in BNC.

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1 Then you used to be able to buy clay pipes , I do n't think you could today .
2 I I remember er that was the way my father used to get a a bit of pocket money to buy tobacco and things , a shilling a sack and the other farmers they used to find the the biggest sack they could find you know , and cram it with oats and then you used to be after supper .
3 So three o'clock Friday then we ought to be the lights before I suppose .
4 Now if that is true then we ought to be able to re- forecast a year getting a reasonable assessment , okay , on what 's that going to do .
5 And then we used to be playing top , we 'd a top right round the village , see how far we could go .
6 then it went a bit further and stop , and then we used to be walking up the , but that were it , half a crown
7 If anyone claims to be making a factual statement , then they ought to be able to state what observations would be relevant to determining the truth or falsity of that statement .
8 I do n't quite know why , but anyhow if they do feel old at 75 , then they ought to be shaken up a bit .
9 like down at the erm , when I was crane driving , we used to have ships coming from Casablanca , with phosphate in and then there be a , another part there was sulphur , then they used to be erm , there 's green oar , what we used to call
10 from there and now course they got shipped out and then they used to be a ship as well , used to take it to sea called the
11 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
12 The final determination of the ley theory 's status is obviously desirable ; if it is a mare 's nest in Britain , unlike in South America , then it ought to be despatched as quickly as possible .
13 According to Gandhi , if it is at all possible for man to describe this power then it ought to be called Truth ( Satya ) , which is a derivative of Sat , which literally means that which is or exists .
14 However , if some people in the game are getting money then it ought to be shared out .
15 The increase in the number of prosecutions did not result , however , in a feeling of sympathy for homosexuals , but rather the feeling , as John Wolfenden expressed it , that ‘ nobody had any idea how much of it there was … but there was an impression that it was increasing ; and there was a feeling that if it was then it ought to be curbed ’ .
16 That used to be all stage you know not pictures then it used to be all stage .
17 Oh oh yes yes the union did erm get that er sorted out you know , and er and then when the buses began to run it made it easier for those worked in Willenhall and er and it just be about threepence of fourpence in our money go there then , but erm and then the hours were altered you see , eight o'clock and finish at six o'clock and er and then it used to be seven to seven you see .
18 I mean , it used to be on a Friday , then it used to be on a Saturday , only sometimes like I used to watch it .
19 He used to be a a driver , a driver , and then he used to be a driving supervisor and now he 's in like , in traffic now .
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