Example sentences of "then [pron] would [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then I would pour moss killer over it .
2 ‘ If you take sugar as having 100 per cent the right taste , then I would say sucralose is in the range of 70 to 75 per cent , with aspartame a little behind it , ’ Shaw says .
3 I think if I was left in peace to cook , then I 'd get pleasure from it .
4 Now what I 've done here is just put that in a table saying that if score A has a negative Z score , then you would expect score B to have a negative score .
5 then you would take account of environmental issues .
6 Then you 'd have eighter , or sixteener , a thirty twoer until you 'd got sixty four marbles you know and chuck them in this hole and if odd or even come out .
7 Well er first of all you 'd get the minutes of the last meeting and then you , you 'd get correspondence and then you 'd get chairman 's remarks .
8 at it for responsibility and financial reasons and if you log down every bit that you spent doing admin assistant and E O then you 'd say stuff this for a game of soldiers but you do n't
9 Then she would do housework , but it was such an austere cottage that there was hardly anything to do .
10 And then she would make coffee for my mother .
11 She would allow herself a few more hours with him , and then she would practise self-discipline .
12 If he forced his way in then she would phone Reception and have him ejected !
13 So it looks as if er nature has kind of erm struck a bargain in this respect , that each parent can contribute exactly half , but I think it 's , we 're only just beginning to find out about what happens then and my guess is about internal conflict between genes because I strongly suspect that there must be a lot of that going on because , as I think you 've rightly seen , if we take this view of evolution as selecting for individual genes , then we would expect conflict even within the gender .
14 If organisations are pluralist in nature such that different groups and individuals can influence the decision-making process then we would expect competition between these groups who will represent different interests .
15 Then we would prepare breakfast , which would mean fetching the water and collecting wood for the fire , which the men usually did , while two women would be in charge of making the tortillas .
16 Then we would sail south to Easter Island to explore the mysterious statues before going to the mutineers ' refuge on Pitcairn Island .
17 Two others , wearing raincoats over their underwear , would be waiting at the bar or similar , ready to join the fray shouting ‘ Boozebusters ’ and things like ‘ Your wife/secretary/boss is taking you out of here now ! ’ and then they would spray foam , throw cards , pop party-poppers and so on and drag the victim out to a waiting fast car .
18 If the other Devon districts were in fact the chief suppliers of patients and users of the big hospital facilities then it would make sense for management and costs to be handed over to them .
19 If physics is to be taken as the acme of scientific knowledge , then it would make sense to try to emulate the methods that physics uses to gain its knowledge , and where else could one go for this by way of a shortcut but to philosophy , the discipline that has been endlessly preoccupied with the foundations of human knowledge .
20 then it would make sense if you 're gon na continue doing that
21 I 'm , I 'm sure that would happen , but Lithuania , if , if it had the er complete independence to er choose it 's own trading partners , it 's own defence partners , then it would make sense for Lithuania to have some sort of a a trading arrangement with the old communist block and .
22 Every now and then he would spit blood onto the carpet .
23 And then he 'd suggest hide-and-seek .
24 ‘ I bring you hell fire , ’ he was shouting , and then he 'd set fire to his fucking head !
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