Example sentences of "him and [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They all insist on the centrality of Jesus , but incline then to explain that centrality in terms of something more general or universal , which is thought of as exemplified in him , and then as spreading out from him and moving on through history .
2 ‘ I 'm here , ’ Robbie snapped , side-stepping him and moving further into the galley , ‘ because I 'm going to live here — at least for the next six months . ’
3 She hesitated , then placed her hand on his arm to detain him and reached up on tiptoe to kiss his papier-mâché cheek .
4 At the last moment she twisted away from him and ran back towards the orderlies .
5 Angry with herself for being so easily led , Shelley pulled away from him and ran headlong into the water , which was colder than she expected , in spite of the hot sun .
6 Since even the neophyte practises on his own , there is no senior partner to keep an eye on him and to clamp down upon him if he is incompetent.s
7 He closed the door behind him and walked slowly down the corridor until he reached the top of the marble staircase , passing his own office and Pat Muldoon 's without wishing to take a last look .
8 So left him and walked down to the river .
9 Burns waved cheerfully to him and walked back to the main entrance .
10 Matilda turned away from him and walked out through the open front-door .
11 His T-shirt was too small for him and came out of the waist of his pants .
12 But that day his mother had suddenly flown a warning flight , while his father rose into the air and swooped into the valley and back beneath the cliff edge , and suddenly a man was there with something green in his hand which rose into the sky above him and came down towards him .
13 Amy Winship took one look at him and disappeared quietly through the door , and Ben Bradshaw winced .
14 The two smaller animals padded towards him and lay down beside the fire with contented sighs , hardly giving him a glance .
15 Jake gathered her to him and rolled over on his back , so that she was lying on her stomach on top of him .
16 He nodded encouragement to his fellows , and they shinned up after him and dropped down into the stockade .
17 Corbett tugged his cloak around him and strode back towards the priory building , not caring whether he shattered the peace of a convent where so many dark deeds had been committed .
18 You see when Steve used to erm come down to Selby I mean there were , there were occasions when I used to go into the college with him and sit in on some of his interviews .
19 He felt it a boring thing he had to do as he would probably rather do something else but nevertheless it had to be done , not to save his reputation but restore his self-respect which he felt he did not have fully if someone was allowed to insult him and get away with it .
20 Finally , she came to stop beside him and looked up at him with a serious , troubled air .
21 Admired for his ability , diligence , and determination by those who knew him and looked on with affection by all who met him , the ready reference to ‘ Jock ’ was a happy recognition of his easy combination of public popularity , private modesty , and unfailing personal courtesy .
22 She definitely could n't , though she thanked him and looked longingly at the boat .
23 Robert had to say it again before she heard him and looked across to the table where Aunt Tossie and Andrew were drinking and Lalage was jumping up and down , opening her mouth to catch with complete dexterity the pieces of biscuit that Dada , suddenly lively , was throwing into it .
24 She ignored him and looked expectantly at her father .
25 She knelt up beside him and looked down at his body , a satisfied smile on her face .
26 I ignored him and carried on with the cocktail party .
27 Tod is conducting a long argument , and he is telling the truth , but the invisible people who might hear and judge luckily refuse to believe him and turn away in silence , weariness and disgust .
28 Cunningham moved his chair round to Harry 's side of the desk , stopped in front of him and stared up into his face .
29 I ignore him and dive down to my furniture underworld to etch the bizarre scene on my mind once more .
30 And yet Cassius now has to obey him and go out of his way to please him , as he is almost a god .
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