Example sentences of "him [subord] he [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Harry glanced swiftly at Madeleine , but she had turned her back on him so he was unable to see her reactions to father 's comments .
2 Then the interviewer will turn to Rob — the other one — and ask him if he 's hot with all that hair , and he 'll say ‘ it 's my week to wear the wig ’ , and they 'll leave the cave .
3 David Nicholson says the open day is by popular demand and he hopes the fans follow him if he 's successful … the whole day is organised by his wife
4 If we shake someone and ask him if he was asleep he usually has a definite answer .
5 I asked him if he was okay .
6 He asked him if he was satisfied that Gloucestershire Social Services had enough money to do its job properly
7 They asked him if he was English , then exchanged looks with each other .
8 But his letter posed as many questions as it answered , so I rang him up and asked him if he was willing to come and see me .
9 I 'd asked him if he was embarrassed that in 1966 he was saying he would be with Suzy Kendall forever , and then in 1969 it was all over , and then he was saying he would be with Tuesday Weld forever , then in 1981 it was all over , and so on .
10 ‘ Would you look after him if he was ill ?
11 That was the point that she again asked him if he were homosexual .
12 I can not fight him while he 's my prisoner , I can not kill him until he 's free to face me again in arms .
13 For every year at midwinter the sun grows weak and pale , and he sinks down into the marshes to spend the long winter night there , and Mokosh , the old witch , his foster-mother , nurses him until he is strong again , with herbs and spells and incantations .
14 Just watch him cos he 's liable to be a bit amorous .
15 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
16 And I 'd like to fight him because he 's undefeated and I want to be the first man to beat him .
17 ‘ I love him because he is daft , and kind and considerate .
18 Those who do love Frank ( and they are legion ) love him just because he is humiliated and embarrassed : they love him because he is vulnerable . ’
19 Had she been avoiding him because he was famous ?
20 ‘ My father remembered the man with the cross ; he remembered him because he was young and so nervous .
21 It seemed a rather difficult thing to do , somehow , which surprised me , as I had n't realized I still had some atavistic buried fear of him because he was black .
22 The pupils had been going on at me about ‘ You 're always picking on me ’ ' and then finally the boy said to him that he was picking on him because he was black and he said ‘ That just triggered it off ’ .
23 ‘ However , David Pleat did not want to sell him because he was involved in trying to keep Luton out of relegation trouble . ’
24 ‘ However , David Pleat did not want to sell him because he was involved in trying to keep Luton out of the relegation situation .
25 I 'm Mrs and er the point I wan na make is that I understood when Jimmy Jones came here had two lovely full houses but I heard through the building through the grapevine that the members of the trust or council objected to him because he was racist his jokes and sexist .
26 He probably did n't take them out with him because he was afraid of being mugged .
27 Most of all she had admired him because he was afraid of nothing , and because he invariably treated her like a princess .
28 He had asked her to marry him because he was ashamed of himself , because he wanted to hide .
29 When he reanimated this girl on observer shot him because he was terrified of this ugly creature .
30 They depended upon him for their pleasure , they admired him because he had a skill they did not , they liked him because he was charming and energetic , but they did not treat him as their equal .
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