Example sentences of "him [coord] [pers pn] [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Clinton replied that she 'd been at college with him and they 'd had a very close relationship .
2 Beating drums and sticks and piping , with dancers and tumblers leaping ahead of them , the grave band of three old men and four younger ones in cloaks of feathers and aprons of leaves had approached him and they had parleyed , as far as their inability to communicate in language allowed .
3 He joined her to say he would not be in the office that morning , a contact in the city had an exclusive story for him and they had arranged a meeting .
4 He could do nothing to persuade them to join him and they had left it too late .
5 ‘ Oliver Craddock wrote this down for me the first time I saw him and I 'd forgotten all about it , ’ he said .
6 and I bought her but when I came out the loo he is playing with the bus going wheeee , he was having a great time with that , I looked at him and I said got to give that to Charlotte , no , no , I do n't like it I want the house , meaning the garage , so I 've gone out now and bought her a circus
7 Somewhere they 've got a , there 's a picture of him and I 've named him out of one of the photos I brought over .
8 Chief Inspector Salter was anxious to see him and she had made an appointment for him to see the Chief Superintendent later that day .
9 His hand had reached for her and a sigh of relief at finding her had come from him and she had turned deeply into his arms to let him hold her there .
10 She continued to stand there , eyes closed tightly , long after the front door had closed behind him and she had heard his car disappear down the drive .
11 He told me that his wife had left him and she had told him that the baby she was carrying was not his . ’
12 She was beside him and she had taken his arm as they waited on the pavement across the road .
13 He could n't help thinking of something that she 'd said in all seriousness when they 'd left the apartment building behind and a lack of any interest from a passing night patrol on the motorway had told him that no , the police did n't seem to be keeping an active watch for his car ; she 'd looked at him and she 'd said , Promise me , Peter .
14 It was difficult while they were actually in the centre , of course , but she made sure she did n't go for coffee or to the staff canteen at the same time as him and she 'd avoided the social club completely .
15 And then Keeley had nudged him and he 'd found the words she wanted , and still it was n't enough — she called him a liar and wept even louder .
16 The teacher used to come in and take him and he got fed up of it 'cause he could n't get on with his other work .
17 Kevin said : ‘ The front wheels ran over him and he got caught by one leg .
18 He said a man had taken a lunge at him and he had fallen to the ground .
19 But by then his wife had left him and he had lost his factory job .
20 He felt that a winning hand had been dealt him and he had played it badly , perhaps even from a professional point of view .
21 Both he and his employers knew there was a risk of a stone falling on him and he had complained to them about this .
22 He went through his whole performance second by second , from the moment Westerman had introduced him and he had waved at the camera , to the moment Westerman had summed up , and he had told him it was absolutely fascinating .
23 In the past she had shamelessly melted towards him and he had accepted her , only to put her aside later .
24 The ground and the weight seemed too much for him and he had retired from contention before the penultimate fence .
25 The dinghy had floated right down to him and he had used his last reserves of energy to clamber into it .
26 They went to him and he had sold it as well and they could n't
27 According to Ben , she had waited for him and he had failed her ; never mind that the real fault was not his , or that he had lain at death 's door , or that he had been loath to go to her as a cripple , with nothing to offer but a life of struggle .
28 He had been able to moisten his throat at the clear streams of water which crossed the track but the sustenance of ale or wine to which his great frame was accustomed was denied him and he had taken no food since he had shared bread , cheese , and ham with Marian and Allen after the fight with the sturdy beggars .
29 She had already told Glyn that she would never be anything but a friend to him and he had taken it better than she had thought he would .
30 She had not even the comfort of Hector 's presence , for her nervousness upset him and he had taken to roaming again , now that his leg was healed .
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