Example sentences of "him [conj] they [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 If a man engages skilled advisors to act for him and they mistake the time limit and present it too late he is out .
2 As the factor came out , it shut behind him and they heard the bars and chains go on .
3 Mark Napier led a brief revival , hitting 71 , but no-one stayed with him and they finished the overs on for nine .
4 They heard Fats Domino on the radio and tried to copy him but they got the bass drum and the snare all wrong and in the end they created this new music .
5 Newcastle will bid to keep him but they need the cash and the 22-goal schemer is their most saleable asset .
6 Newcastle will bid to keep him but they need the cash and the 22-goal schemer is their most saleable asset .
7 She had admonished him before they left the hotel to drink no more than one glass , and his brother , Chuck , who was sipping his own wine confidently without the restraint of any such embargo , looked down and laughed good-naturedly at his indecision .
8 It was also highly theatrical , as his whole adult life had been : an airliner diverted to an unexpected destination , the body found dead on arrival , people already waiting at his destination to greet him before they heard the shocking news , grief and incredulity on all sides as the story spread around the world .
9 We chase them with him as they catch the wind like paper balls .
10 She turned to look at him as they reached the park gates .
11 ‘ Yes , that is what I feared , ’ she said , glancing up at him as they reached the table .
12 Anne asked him as they climbed the stairs .
13 ‘ Oh — come on ! ’ she snapped nervously , turning around to face him as they entered the living-room .
14 Emily was slightly ahead of him as they approached the fringe of brown reeds .
15 This local Swaggart , who has tears in his eyes as he preaches the gospel , is tormented by the rows of large , bobbing girls in front of him as they sing the bouncy gospel renditions of traditional hymns .
16 He felt her lift up to him as they started the final phase of their journey .
17 ‘ I can walk down here , ’ she told him when they reached the long gallery .
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