Example sentences of "him [conj] [pron] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I told him that we had but that we 'd talked about it with them and now things seemed all right .
2 I too , as one who is not a Christian , might well say of him that he knew and loved God .
3 It was only when he felt her going limp against him that he stopped and lifted his head .
4 Pressing his hand against her bosom or kissing his fingers softly and reverently , she told him that she knew and had always known that only she could make him happy , that there was already a mystical bond between them and that if she could not soon feel his arms about her and his lips upon her own , she would sink away into despair .
5 He thought they wanted to talk to him so he stopped and got out .
6 Helen touched Tony 's arm and looked pleadingly at him so he turned and shook hands with Frank then turned back immediately to Terry .
7 Then she ran to find Ferdinando to tell him and they embraced and it was he who said , ‘ She is an angel ! ’ of Mrs Browning and Wilson realised she had expressed not a word of gratitude .
8 And erm she was like with him and she said and she said something like , Oh I 'm going .
9 He 's , he 's from our village him , he writes to him and he goes and visits him .
10 So so when he 'd done it he said well two hundred and fifty quid I heard him and he said but I suppose you know the of it oh I do n't know and he said why did n't you do it ?
11 Sometimes the effort overwhelmed him and he failed and gave up .
12 Daniel she says , Danny were n't there I said well Jean said , she said well Jean would n't know him if he come and sat on her lap so she said no he were n't there , said erm I used to go down there , she said she was very good .
13 It may well then be valuable for the beneficiary of a trust to know that he can obtain the property intended for him if he sues and prevails in cognitio against the trustee .
14 Not in a very big way , but I 've got an eye for that sort of thing and I told him I would n't split on him if he resigned and helped me choose the successor I wanted .
15 She tried to put her arms round him but he fought and wriggled .
16 Of course , the others laughed at him but he insisted and said that at about the same time I thought I 'd seen Sir Bartholomew , a stranger had arrived in the village late at night and stopped at the ale-house for food and drink .
17 No I try to him but you know but er
18 There was a rough equality between them which pleased him since it ignored and slipped through the magical armour of those clothes , the possessions , the name , the title , the carriage and four , the weight of deference and the history of servility .
19 Sometimes his mother chased him through the apartment , striking at him while he dodged and ducked , crying , ‘ Look out Mom , look out now !
20 A nurse intercepted him before he left and queried whether William had requested it .
21 Indeed , I could invite the Archangel Gabriel from Heaven — but it would be up to him whether he came or not ! ’
22 The dwarf strained against him as they rolled and struggled in the mud .
23 ‘ They are lovely , ’ Eloise murmured beside him as they stood and admired .
24 ‘ Yes , because of Steve … not because I love him as you think but because I care about him and … caring is just as emotive as loving .
25 The sight of her body , poised above him as she stretched and leaned , distracted him , and he stood to watch her , until she turned with a questioning half-smile to hand down another bundle .
26 She looked up at him as she spoke and he held out his hand to help her to her feet .
27 One or two people spoke sharply to him as he elbowed and trod on feet .
28 All night long his companions cursed him as he whined and complained .
29 Shift him when you like but the sooner you get him over to me the better .
30 Bourke claimed that Blake brought his two-way radio with him when he escaped and both radios were left at Bourke 's flat in Highlever Road where they must have been found by the police when they raided the flat on I January 1967 .
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