Example sentences of "him [conj] [verb] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Does she entice him or does he appear by chance ?
2 Susan wondered how she would feel if he did ; or if she touched him or let him know in some other way that she was there ?
3 People with power and authority who did n't like the things that Jesus said and did , and who tried to threaten him or get him beaten up .
4 It takes a great deal of sensitivity to provide activities which stimulate the patient 's interest , without exhausting him or making him frustrated if he can not achieve what he wants or what you hope for .
5 Are his keys with him or did he hand them in before he went ? ’
6 And did he have any men working for him or did he work on his own ?
7 Well he does , sometimes she sa did she say him or did she say
8 One English girl of nine asked me ‘ Coloured people believe in our God , but do you Indians believe in him or do you have a God of your own ? ’
9 Do you walk with him or do you put him in a baby walker ?
10 ‘ Do you love him or do you hate him ?
11 Just like your dad , you are and did n't I tell him that teaching you reading and writing would n't bring any good ? ’
12 It was n't just fear of him that made them change .
13 There was something about battling with him that made her feel unlike herself — weak , her mind in total confusion .
14 He stared at her , and there was an arrogance about him that made her shiver .
15 ‘ There was something about him that made me know he was the best revue star we had . ’
16 Jim assured him that hearing me sing was the experience of a lifetime , but Dad was n't having that .
17 He 'd remember me , too , because he would have wondered what percentage I had on him that entitled me to come down from her apartment in the early morning .
18 But he 's made me believe them ; it 's the thought of him that makes me feel guilty when I break the rules .
19 Alcuin wrote to Aethelred , probably in 791 , expressing affection for him and urging him to display kindness not cruelty and reason not anger in his deeds , and to speak truth not falsehood , but the sack of Lindisfarne by Vikings in June 793 ( ASC D , s.a. 793 ) provided a shocked and outraged Alcuin with an opportunity to declaim against the evils of Northumbrian society , as he saw them , and the shortcomings of the king himself in a letter to Aethelred and his nobles .
20 In the empty streets we finally flagged down a taxi , prostrated ourselves before him and persuaded him to drive to the hitherto uncharted climes of Muswell Hill .
21 She put up a token resistance , but , knowing that she only existed on his sufferance , opened her mind to him and let him prowl .
22 Best to ignore him and let him come around in his own time .
23 She must judge , too ; he thought she would trust him and let him have his way .
24 Yesterday she looked at her eight-pound new arrival , born at Arrowe Park Hospital , and said : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him . ’
25 She said last night : ‘ It was a fabulous moment when the doctors came in with him and let me hold him .
26 She goes up to him and tells him to stuff himself and in a flat half-minute he 's belting the old lorry up the London road .
27 Mr eleven year old son offered to help so one of the put a gun to him and forced him to lead them to him threatening him at the same time .
28 Mr Miah 's eleven year old son offered to help , so one of them put a gun on him and forced him to lead them to it .
29 When you receive his report , read it carefully and then ring him and ask him to explain more fully any matters which are not clear or which worry you .
30 ‘ I 'll get to him and ask him to take your call , ’ said Seymour .
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