Example sentences of "him [adv] and [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll make a further prediction that if ‘ Eric the Enigma ’ is substitute , Ferguson will pray for the chance to bring him on and bask in the reception for a stylist after Old Trafford 's heart .
2 ‘ Choose your consultant carefully , manage him properly and benefit from his help and advice . ’
3 So the woman took him in and cared for him .
4 More than any other comfort his delighted kisses in return soothed her and eventually she was able to put him down and go into the kitchen to speak to Teresa about the day 's duties .
5 The only thing she could do was tell him so and leave for home as soon as possible .
6 When Rodie heard of what happened , she went up to Sam 's room and comforted him enough to bring him downstairs and sit with them on the terrace .
7 We followed him outside and sat at the tin table under the tree .
8 He remembered the many faces of Sylvie , the child-woman with the mischievous glance who had stolen apples in the Paris market , the girl he had obsessively trailed , the passionate creature who had boldly come to his flat and pleasured him to the point of pain , the frightened child who pushed him away and clung to him simultaneously .
9 Gigantic , monstrous and powerful ; waiting on the stairs for him to open the door wide , so that it could seize him , drag him away and do to him what it had done to Pearce ?
10 Athelstan took him aside and stared into the bleary-eyed face .
11 Just drop him off and go to a canteen
12 Maybe he 'd already unearthed what was left , and it was too late just to warn him off and hope for the best .
13 And he had a good time with the assembled newshounds , especially when one got him off and running with a question about how he felt about winning a national championship .
14 He cried on Carolyn 's shoulder , through pure discomfort and weariness , she believed , rocking him automatically and feeling like crying too .
15 This was the creature which had picked him up and flown with him .
16 ‘ To just past Spargo 's ; I could n't raise the nerve to catch him up and speak to him .
17 Hazel and Blackberry , after looking at each other for a moment , caught him up and went beside him .
18 Clean him up and look after him .
19 I picked him up and stumbled over the rough ground to the back gate of our garden , which was only about twenty yards away .
20 Mr Prescott helped him up and stood between them .
21 ‘ There were arms everywhere , pulling him back and tugging at his shirt , and they got away with it just about every time . ’
22 Bishop grabbed his collar , hoisted him back and stepped in front of him .
23 She turned from him now and ran to the door and up the back stairs .
24 She turned from him now and looked towards the house door where Millie was standing .
25 Fiver and Acorn followed him out and fell to nibbling at a patch of sainfoin .
26 Take him out and ask for help .
27 We 'll have to get him out and pay for it and it 's worked total dividends !
28 Mrs Bennet showed him out and returned with a pint glass full of milk .
29 It 's as if Tom Robinson ( the negro ) has no say in what happens to him and a white woman has the right to push him around and refer to him as nigger , overpowering him in all senses of the matter .
30 She finally called him across and ordered for one .
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