Example sentences of "him [prep] [adv] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And because he thought she had followed him for just that purpose ?
2 ‘ Wrong , ’ he replied , and , while Fabia stared at him with yet more amazement , ‘ I was impatient to talk to you , to see you , ’ he owned .
3 Instead , he ended up in charity administration , but his earlier sense of a religious vocation has left him with quite another side : a passion for Romanesque churches .
4 The 24-year-old has suffered a string of injuries this season , and recent health problems have left him with too little time to regain full fitness .
5 In my experience the most effective way to resist his attempts to snag you is to heave at him with as much side-strain as your tackle strength will allow .
6 Standing up slowly , she faced him with as much composure as she could muster .
7 A small frown drew her brows together and she arched back to look at him with as much objectivity as she could summon up .
8 She clutched her dress to her and looked at him with as much scorn as she could .
9 His mother should n't of sent him with so much money .
10 Another defeat , or even a draw for Taylor , will leave him with so much work to do to close the gap .
11 ‘ As for any home , I 've none , nor never did have , ’ she said quickly to distract him from too much thinking .
12 Alexander angrily complied , furious that the King could put him to so much trouble on a wild , bitterly cold night .
13 The house , Wychwood , from which I like to think that Eliot derived the name in The Family Reunion , was easily within walking distance ; but we felt some responsibility for getting the great man from London without subjecting him to too much fatigue ; and if my brother reached home by a circuitous route , it was partly in order to show off the beauty of the place .
14 It must have seemed clear to him at once that Tolkien was a man of literary genius , and this fact only brought home to him his own sense of failure as a writer .
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