Example sentences of "him [verb] [adv prt] [conj] give " in BNC.

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1 Pitt remembers that as a little boy attending church he 'd sit cowering in the pew , afraid the preacher would ask him to come up and give the benediction .
2 If you have n't , then , you ought to phone your local beat officer and get him to come along and give you a survey
3 After a period of silence from outside , a voice now hailed Place , told him to come out and give himself up .
4 in village , not far up us and er I were getting round me mum and pulling on her skirts and and this old woman says , get him fed Frances , he wants a bit of pap , get him , get him picked up and give him a bit of pap and that 'll shut him up
5 I just tell him to shut up and give him a sharp rap across the knuckles .
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