Example sentences of "have been [det] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gary Kemp 's portrayal of the homosexual psychopath Ronnie is utterly chilling ; we are not shown what he does in bed , but it can not have been much fun for his boyfriend .
2 I would n't have been much competition by the side of sexy George , but still , a man has his pride .
3 Nevertheless , I do not believe for one moment — I made this point on enough occasions to the hon. Member for Antrim , East ( Mr. Beggs ) — that , if we had not given potential investors the opportunity to buy a power station that could be converted to gas , there would have been much hope of bringing a gas pipeline to Northern Ireland .
4 Times were not easy and there would have been much evidence of hardship , although actually we know very little of the ordinary day-to-day life of the miner and his family .
5 ‘ There would n't have been much point in fusing only half the lighting system , would there ? ’
6 ‘ But that noise need n't have been a retch — could have been all sorts of things . ’
7 I am not spreading or sagging , the glow of an early sun tan had probably removed a year or two and I 've discovered that lipstick does wonders , but there could have been little doubt in his mind that I was closer in age to his mother than to him .
8 To execute him for treason indeed would have been little help to the government in its attempt to crush and discredit the Reformation , but they could not proceed against him for heresy in due form until England was reconciled with the Roman Catholic Church .
9 Until recently there would have been little dispute with the Keynesian view that the maintenance of demand in the economy was one of the central responsibilities of governments .
10 It is easy at this distance in time to explain the pattern away as an inevitable feature of the wider transition from one form of economy to another , but there can have been little pleasure for families like the Eldridges or Mepkins of Battle whose members appeared regularly in the poor-relief accounts over several generations .
11 If MI5 had obeyed the 1952 Maxwell Fyfe guidelines then there would have been little cause for complaint about its activities over the past 35 years .
12 If this had been a reflection of basic principles of justice there could have been little cause for complaint , but in fact an examination of the position shows clearly that this was not the case .
13 On foot there would have been little danger for a man alone ; even on horseback not much .
14 If young people posed no threat in terms of allegiance , there would have been little need of so many reform programmes .
15 For example , there may have been little point in devising an ‘ inner area ’ and allocating resources to it .
16 ( 2 ) Some of the express provisions of section 10(9) — for example paragraphs ( c ) and ( d ) ( i ) — as to the matters to which the court is to have particular regard in deciding an application for leave to apply for a section 8 order would be otiose if the whole application were subject to the overriding provisions of section 1(1). ( 3 ) There would have been little point in Parliament providing that the court was to have particular regard to the wishes and feelings of the child 's parent , if the whole decision were to be subject to the overriding ( paramount ) consideration of the child 's welfare .
17 Mackie denied he had been told that and said that if he had been told the meeting was confidential from the start there would have been little point in him , as an analyst , being there .
18 IF ONE HAD been going to cast anyone in the title role of a movie called Little Big Man , there would not have been many actors in Hollywood one could have thought of besides Dustin Hoffman .
19 His hands were very full with arrangements for his attack on Normandy , and there must also have been many discussions about the terms on which he would be willing to make peace with the papacy .
20 I can also acknowledge that there must have been many women like her , all over Glasgow ; that there were then in the early 1900s when she was marrying and becoming a mother ; that there were later .
21 There must have been many daughters like Margaret White , who described in the 1590s how she stayed on living with her widowed father , ‘ guided him and his household , and was continually with him in his sickness until his death ’ .
22 The progression of destructionn moves from affecting the capacity for a full range of emotional feelings and then into affecting intellectual processes and finally affecting physical health , although ther will of course have been many episodes of some damage to physical well-being throughout the progress of the disease .
23 It might have been that way for a while , Scum argued , but after a couple of weeks the Boroughs shitkickers moved in , and the game was up .
24 It may have been that while in Japan he found the taste of humble pie just a little too much to stomach .
25 I suppose some people might have but I think I did n't really want to face up to the fact that he might have been that man on the beach . ’
26 I think the problem is that this one point seven billion was er an actuarial assessment by Watsons i it may never have been that amount of money .
27 The dental remains indicate little more than a dependence on a hard-fruit diet , and there may have been several species with this inclination .
28 But after what I understand would have been several years of compulsory Russian , he could barely manage da and nyet .
29 In the northern Weald , some of these men seem to have come from large Kentish estates round Tonbridge rather than from the Sussex coast ; there must have been several centuries of discussion before Wealden boundaries were finally sorted out .
30 Stiff with pride — which she was now sick and tired of being told was a Leo trait — and buoyed up by the certain knowledge that it would have been morally indefensible for her to desert her father , Laura had taken some weeks to realise that there must surely have been another way for them to solve their problems .
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