Example sentences of "have been [art] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The game should have been a classic but clearly was n't .
2 All three spoke as though the moment were of no real consequence , but I know that for Mother and for O at least it must have been a strange and moving moment .
3 For a drainage level to come in at this depth would have required some 600 ft. of tunnelling and of course , since the art of blasting was not yet introduced , it would have been a protracted and costly operation .
4 But this would have been a long and painful process .
5 I suspect you were disguised as a personable young man , a merry companion for the Gascons , after what must have been a long and gruelling journey .
6 His thick-set holler lifts what might otherwise have been a cool but minor diversion into a work of real significance .
7 Would she have been a normal and contented woman had she not been Nicolae 's sister , or did her willingness to abuse every chance to profiteer from her position and to humiliate those she disliked reflect a deeply unpleasant cast in the Ceauşescu genes ?
8 it should have been a hundred or something .
9 Given the complexities of concurrent working , there might have been a hundred and one other explanations .
10 ‘ My grandmother would have been a hundred and forty this Christmas , ’ Doris began again and then lapsed into silence .
11 So it should would have been a hundred and forty five .
12 she tell you it was a , the answer should have been a hundred and twenty nine and they 've got a thirty one in it yeah
13 If the Man of Law had a prose tale it should certainly have been a serious and learned tale like Melibee , the Parson 's Tale , or Chaucer 's translations of Boethius ' De consolatione philosophiae or Pope Innocent III 's De miseria condicionis humane , and thus a tale of the kind that found a place in fragment VII .
14 It is important to remember , though , that the production need not have been a full-time or permanent occupation , nor necessarily an urban-based activity , as the much wider pattern of small- and large-scale production demonstrates .
15 How do they feel towards those who consigned them to what could have been a violent and horrific death ?
16 For a murderer in a hurry , and this murderer had been in a hurry , it would have been a tedious and uncertain way to get a light .
17 Peter clearly took to heart what must have been a challenging and potentially testing message .
18 Even the sight of a national candidate must have been a rare and unusual occasion .
19 In order to understand what they had found they needed to classify the fossil organisms into particular kinds , more or less similar , to impose an order on what would otherwise have been a vast and chaotic mass of different and apparently unrelated relics .
20 Section 11(1) of the 1977 Act states : 11 – ( 1 ) In relation to a contract term , the requirement of reasonableness for the purposes of this Part of this Act , section 3 of the Misrepresentation Act 1967 and section 3 of the Misrepresentation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1967 is that the term shall have been a fair and reasonable one to be included having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of the parties when the contract was made .
21 No guidelines are given for the interpretation of s8 except that the term to be included must have been a fair and reasonable one having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of , the parties when the contract was made ( s11(1) ) .
22 We lay side by side on the floor all over the house — there must have been a dozen or more of us , including nice old Ma Mi who was delighted to see us .
23 In peacetime the town must have been a sleepy and slow-moving place , but at the start of 1945 it fairly hummed with activity , being surrounded in all directions by RAF and American Air Force stations .
24 This should have been a happy and holy occasion but the expressions on the faces looking up at him — Denis , Hana , Uncle Mick , Carmella , now pale and shaken , even poor Joey — told him more than any words how empty the action was .
25 Or there may have been a sudden and unexpected explosion in the local mouse population , leading to a spate of hunting and killing by a pet cat that normally feeds only at home .
26 I think that for once we need feel no qualms in taking Diodorus as a faithful epitomizer of what must have been a compact and careful section of Posidonius on the slave war in Sicily .
27 The Water of Leith must once have been a clear and sparkling river .
28 Tatham might have been a natural but Magill had been the achiever in the secret world .
29 However , physically to move the records in line with this boundary reorganisation would have been a formidable and costly task , so enquiries continue to be dealt with under the old district boundaries .
30 After such endorsements from a man who , despite being a migrant from the Mid-West has been transformed instinctively into a prime example of Homo Pacificus , it would have been a foolish and almost unpatriotic American who professed otherwise .
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