Example sentences of "have been [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the link had been spotted , Sir Anthony concluded , Barlow Clowes 's operations would have been halted in 1984 .
2 Indeed , on 1 September 1939 ( by the Act passed in 1936 ) the school-leaving age would have been raised to fifteen — without much preparation , it seems .
3 ‘ 37(1) Any notice , demand or order against which an appeal might be brought to a county court under this Part of this Act shall , if no such appeal is brought , become operative on the expiration of 21 days from the date of the service of the notice , demand or order , and shall be final and conclusive as to any matters which could have been raised on such an appeal , and any such notice , demand or order against which an appeal is brought shall , if and so far as it is confirmed by a county court judge , or the Court of Appeal , become operative as from the date of the final determination of the appeal .
4 Since Childebert I is said to have acknowledged Gundovald 's claim to Merovingian blood , the issue must have been raised before 558 , perhaps long before .
5 A few sinuous ridges are seen , steep on both sides , and these too may have been raised by interior contraction .
6 He took the view that the matters raised by the counterclaim would better have been raised by judicial review .
7 The redemption value is also linked to the rate of inflation so that , taking the above rate of inflation as being relevant , the original 100 would have been increased to 105.5 ( 100 ) ( 1.055 ) .
8 He had thought they were at least speaking to one another privately , but if Jim had really sworn an affidavit he must have been listening on another telephone .
9 Piggy is short-sighted ; and the spectacles he would have been prescribed for this condition could not possibly have been used as burning glasses .
10 Spectacles or low vision aids may have been prescribed in some cases , and teachers should be informed about this .
11 Resources were obtained from central government under the 1952 Town Development Act and the 1961 Housing Act which subsidized the importation of an over spill population , but these were far less than would have been provided to a designated New Town where all infrastructure costs would have been borne by central government .
12 And Barnsley 's advantage could have been cut from five to two points had Keegan 's side not lacked the creative nous to topple them .
13 The first thing that strikes me is that my aunt — an almost complete stranger as far as I was concerned — should have been there at all , within the family circle where no friend or neighbour was allowed , and thus in a privileged position to make personal remarks of the type which would not have been tolerated from any other quarter .
14 The locations of the recent Kalimantan outbreaks suggest that some may have been rekindled from underground smoulderings dating from at least the mid-80s .
15 In the Curragh Affair of 1914 some British officers appeared to claim to stand for a special national interest above that asserted by civilian politicians and their attitude would have been understood by professional soldiers in other countries .
16 The progression of understanding of various forms of disease can be traced throughout history : Short sight may not have been understood by stone-age man .
17 For instance most of this debate would not have been understood by many people in my parish .
18 Brian Inglis , a writer on the paranormal , said the spoof could have been damaging for those who had had ghostly experiences .
19 Certainly , his intellectual position would not have been jeopardised by such an extension of his arguments .
20 Formerly , a centre offering these three types of SCOTVEC provision within one cognate area would have been visited by three different external verifiers .
21 She could have been assigned to any one of them .
22 The Bill might have been opposed in all its stages in both Houses of parliament , and altogether you would have had to spend about £1,000 or £1,200 .
23 The move came amid reports that Iraq 's success in initiating its post-war reconstruction programme might have been assisted by systematic sanctions-busting by some countries .
24 The central question is whether animals possess important characteristics that are not adaptive , and which therefore , by definition , would not have been shaped by natural and sexual selection .
25 Perfumery is perhaps an even more ancient art than dyeing ; it is a more obvious constituent of a plant , so would have been experimented with earlier , to disguise bad smells if nothing else , such as those of rotting meat and decaying vegetation .
26 If usury was wrong in itself then the Israelites would have been prohibited from charging interest on any funds lent , not just funds lent to fellow Jews .
27 the evidence could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence at the trial ; and
28 By re-amended notice of appeal dated 30 August 1991 the defendants sought an order to set aside or vary the judge 's order or to order a retrial and sought leave to adduce fresh evidence on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge had erred in law in failing to take into account ( a ) the lack of a penal notice on the order which it was claimed that the appellants had breached ; and ( b ) the plaintiff 's delay of 18 months in applying for the committal order ; ( 2 ) that the judge 's decision was arrived at without regard to fresh evidence which the defendants had obtained since the hearing , part of which related to matters subsequent to the hearing and the remainder of which could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence ; which , if given , would probably have had an important influence on the result , which was credible and which should , therefore , be admitted ; ( 3 ) that , alternatively , the court should exercise its discretion to admit the fresh evidence as the liberty of the defendants was at risk ; and ( 4 ) that the sentence imposed was excessive .
29 He gave , as a further reason , that had no request been made for a receipt , fingerprints could easily have been obtained in other ways , e.g. , by dusting the counter .
30 This may partly reflect the fact that many aspects of the situation ( road layout , signs , shops etc. ) were deliberately excluded on the basis that they could have been obtained from previous local knowledge .
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