Example sentences of "have been [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They may have been of impermanent materials , such as wood , or the countries may have suffered greater devastation than their neighbours .
2 The adoption , for instance , of Darwinian views of evolution depended not simply on the intellectual breakthrough of a brilliant mind but on the conjuncture of social movements that made these propositions more acceptable then than they might have been at other periods .
3 It may well have been with mixed feelings that Hamilton gave up Painshill and its burdens after some thirty-five years .
4 Here the choice must have been between good lakes and less good lakes .
5 Very much , in fact the chances were coming your way before the goals went in , you could have been on level terms an awful lot earlier .
6 It would seem that Miller can not have been on amicable terms with the gardeners there , otherwise he would have made a point of a visit then .
7 Although he had many substantial patrons , Evesham may have been in financial straits in the mid-1620s .
8 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
9 A subsidy assessment of £40 suggests that this completes the account of his lands ; any there might have been in other counties can not be deduced from the available evidence .
10 Oh it was a dreadful thing when you come to think of it now , the poor women could n't help it she was must have been in desperate straits to do a thing like that .
12 ‘ But I 'm convinced they wo n't be as confident about coming to Irvinestown as they would have been in previous seasons .
13 Coming back , as always , to the Jurassic , one has only to compare the 30 ammonite zones represented in one foot of sediment in Sicily with the 15 000 feet representing a single zone in Oregon , to realise how startlingly different rates of deposition must have been in different places .
14 This could have been from various modes of formation , or from the presence of appreciable quantities of short-lived quick-acting radioactive isotopes , such as 26 Al .
15 He may also have been behind certain elements of the design .
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