Example sentences of "have put [adv prt] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Its place at the centre of government thinking was re-emphasised in April 1939 when the RCM was told that , henceforth , each guarantor would have to put up a deposit of £50 to support the cost of a child 's re-emigration .
2 Some people tend to take advantage of a placid nature — that is only human — so I realized that in order to prevent abuse of my personality I would have to put up a barrier to protect my inner self .
3 If the Government wanted to have an effective environmental policy , it would have to put up the money .
4 So you 'll have to put on a bit more flesh if you want filmstar legs .
5 He must have put up a bit of a struggle , but they were a persuasive bunch , those women , and the two nans in alliance were practically irresistible .
6 The relevant circumstances were that : ( i ) the limitation terms had nut been negotiated by any representative body ; ( ii ) the buyers could not have discovered the error ( i. e. that the wrong seed had been delivered ) until after the crop was sown , whereas the sellers were in a position to have known ; ( iii ) the buyers could not reasonably have been expected to cover such a risk ( i.e. of crop failure ) by insurance whereas it was possible for seedsmen to cover their liability by insurance at a modest premium which would not have put up the cost of seeds by very much ; ( iv ) the error could not have occurred without some negligence on the part of the sellers .
7 In other days Managers would have put up an argument as to the folly of this approach by Management .
8 To prove wrong those who say that any dieter will have put back the weight ( and more ) 12 months after losing it — 12 months on and 18 lbs ( 8.2 kg ) down , I 'm still a ‘ Hip and Thigh ’ fan .
9 I believe that the opposition should have insisted on having a vote on a motion in which the government could have asked for support , and we would have put down an amendment saying that we thought that sanctions should have been given longer .
10 If the Prime Minister had meant what she said , and if the Secretary of State — whom I am delighted to see taking an interest in the Bill had conveyed her message properly , the Minister would have put down an amendment , and would by this time have leapt to his feet to accept amendment No. 3 .
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