Example sentences of "have to [be] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 COSTUMES do n't have to be a dull black with your swimming badges sewn on to be fast through the water , as Vicki Walberg showed in London yesterday .
2 A visitor to Keld does not have to be a long-distance walker to enjoy the scenic delights of the environs .
3 Although warning signs shout at you not to cross these fragile constructions , as you 're bound to fall off and die and do n't say they did n't tell you so , you 'd have to be a boring old git not to want to do a balancing act over them for thrills .
4 It does not have to be a long passage , it may only be a verse .
5 Perhaps this expedition did not have to be a total waste .
6 Release Slade In Flame now and show that big screen glam did n't have to be a total sham .
7 If the Treasury intends to claw back £2.8 billion there will have to be a total saving of over 7 per cent on these pensions and benefits .
8 You would quite literally have to be a practising Satanist gone stupid from self-abuse to not know that ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ says more to you about your life than , ooh , lots of other camp ironic pop singers we could mention .
9 If we are to enhance the quality of our worship and church music , there will have to be a new awareness and fresh resolution on the part of all God 's people .
10 Short of finding a long forgotten stock of Tempo spares in a local high street hardware shop , it looks as though it will have to be a new cooker .
11 With 156 passengers representing a full trainload , and high-season tickets ( end of May — end of July ) selling at £320 , one does not have to be a brilliant mathematician to get a grasp of the kind of revenue being earned .
12 Tim Rodber would have to be a brilliant player to get near Dean 's standard in his first game .
13 So it means that you do n't have to be a brilliant singer .
14 Tetanus : it does n't have to be a rusty nail , the caption read .
15 If undecided on the diameter you need , remember that tube joiners will be required somewhere or other and the fit will have to be a good one .
16 ‘ You do n't have to be a good woman to be a good mother , ’ said Constance .
17 But er ther there 'd have to be a good reason for it if , if , if erm the nurses did go out , er afterwards .
18 You do n't have to be a seven-foot giant or a 16-stone powerhouse to succeed at it , and no ‘ performance-enhancing ’ drug can convert an ordinary player into a good one .
19 the account into which it 's paid , does that account into which the three four four five interest is paid , does that have to be in my wife 's name , or does it have to be a joint
20 And another top Ulster promoter , Eamon McCann , was also enthusiastic about Belfast , but added : ‘ It would have to be a joint BBC-ITV broadcasting venture . ’
21 Mrs Thatcher said there 'd have to be a long-term transition .
22 But nothing has been decided and there will have to be a successful ceasefire before anything positive can be done … although there are hopes to bring out to hundred children in the next two weeks .
23 This is gon na have to be a general reminder to , a general point to all researchers because they wo n't know that , I 'm sure .
24 You do n't need a licence you see on private ground to drive a car , you do n't have to be a certain age either .
25 Does n't have to be a real game .
26 A man would have to be a real heel to leave him .
27 Whether harmonization of requirements would prove feasible or not , there would have to be a major rationalization of the aircraft industry if it was to continue competing in world markets .
28 Find something to look forward to ; it does not have to be a major event .
29 Aside from the logistics of creating new books and materials to replace the present South African-produced materials , there will have to be a major push to upgrade and retrain teachers .
30 They said therefore that if the rule was changed there would have to be a consequential change for the social security rules .
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