Example sentences of "have be [adj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Naturally , Reynard started there , drew the first blank , which did n't disconcert him ( he would have been disappointed by an easy discovery anyway ) and composed himself to delve deeper , perhaps taking it backwards a month at a time , beginning with Malamute 's employment with Club Eleusis .
2 For golfers , wearing the dress of the day , — tailored tweed jackets and trousers , leather boots , and carrying well-made bags of up to 30 heavy-weight clubs ( according to former 1920's caddy Charles Robins ) — the prospects of coping with certain of Henley 's holes must have been daunting without a caddie .
3 The section makes it dangerous for a director to be unaware of the company 's financial position , since liability may ensue where a director fails to take appropriate action to ‘ minimise the potential loss to the company 's creditors ’ once it would have been apparent to a properly informed director that the company was heading for liquidation .
4 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
5 In particular , it should have been apparent from an early stage that the railway would prove totally inadequate to deal with the demand generated in the Isle of Dogs , especially by the Canary Wharf project .
6 However , even though Richard Baxter may have been poor as a theologian and controversialist , he was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding pastors of all time .
7 It can not have been easy for a man in his fifties to start afresh as an instrument-maker in London .
8 Children were fascinated by the ducks and it would have been easy for a toddler to slip through the fence , leaving mum stranded on the other side .
9 It can not have been easy for an ordinand or a curate to stand up to contemptuous persiflage about his religion from one of the ablest minds of the generation who happened to be his own brother .
10 Again , given the story 's setting and plot , it would have been easy for an insular national chauvinism to have been the prevailing tone .
11 Without this control it would have been possible for a Committee with a bondholding minority to make bad decisions to the cost of the Bondholders .
12 Under these circumstances , it would have been possible for a ship sailing south from Thera to dock at Dia , unload and set sail again for destinations to the east or west .
13 The massive transportation of goods by air would not have been possible without a faster method of documenting shipments .
14 She may well have lived in her parents ' house before her enclosure : when she describes the circumstances of her visions in The Revelations of Divine Love , she says that there were a large number of people round her bed and that priests were able to come and go as they pleased , which would not always have been possible in an anchorage .
15 The scene itself may have been unsatisfactory as a subject , with flat lighting and dull colours combining to produce the sad-looking picture you see on the screen .
16 Circlip detachment could have been consistent with a high tension condition in the belt that , by resulting in elastic bending of the pin , caused a loading to be applied by the backplate flange to the circlip in the axial direction of the pin .
17 To buy a second engraved copy at 24 livres , which was about 5 per cent of the cost of a good harpsichord , would have been extravagant at a time when copying was cheap .
18 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
19 Occasionally , things get a little confusing — Ride and the pixies are hardly baggy faves — but the presence of the seminal ‘ Taste ’ and ‘ Velouria ’ gives the LP more variety than would have been present on a groove-only affair .
20 This may have been due to a reluctance to suck more money out of a generous population , or to the usual delays in carrying out orders from Moscow .
21 Not only have investors miscalculated the willingness of British people to join organisations — which may have been due to a lack of appreciation of the different cultures on each side of the Atlantic , disguised by a common language — but the benefits on offer through these so-called affinity schemes can be obtained in this country through countless other sources .
22 The demise of the Civil Service Department may have been due to a feeling by ministers that it was too conscious of the interests of staff .
23 At the time when rent levels were falling , some less profitable land also went out of cultivation ( although the extent of this is hard to measure ) , so it is clear that the fall in rents must have been due to a shortage of potential tenants rather than to a greater supply of land , which might have resulted from the clearance of forest or the reclamation of fenland .
24 One suspects that this may have been due to a sense of betrayal , when Duke Philip of Burgundy 's change of policy in the mid 1430s turned Flanders into a hostile country instead of an ally , and partly to the closeness of past commercial ties , when the wool trade had linked the two lands in any uneasy partnership .
25 The sourness in Pétain 's relations with parliamentarians may partly have been due to a curiously unexpected timidity in his makeup , derived from the insecurity of his humble background .
26 This may have been due to an accident , but two Ju88s of 5/LG 1 were badly damaged over Malta , presumably hit by A.A. fire and force-landed at Catania on their return .
27 In certain circumstances it might have been preferable for a beneficiary to have a real action , in which case he would press for interpretation as a legacy .
28 However con descending contemporary apologists may be to archaic conceptions of divine intervention , it is almost impossible to exaggerate the extent to which belief in such intervention once permeated European societies , creating popular images of the disruption of nature that could hardly have been congenial to a critical science of nature .
29 The modus vivendi was not signed , but it was promulgated in January 1948 in the minutes of the Combined Policy Committee so as to avoid reference to Congress or to the United Nations , which would have been necessary for a formal international agreement .
30 In earlier days , even that formality might not have been necessary for a contract .
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