Example sentences of "have be [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The commission at 2.5 per cent would have been 25 , and a fee of 4 ( 1.5 ) = 6 would have been payable to the clearing house .
2 The maximum ACT offset is limited to the amount of tax that would have been payable on the profits assuming they had been charged at the basic rate of tax ( s 239(2) ) .
3 On 16 October 1991 , after a hearing in chambers to consider wasted costs after the jury in a criminal trial had been discharged and a retrial ordered , Judge MacRae made an order against the appellant , H. , a barrister who had acted as defence counsel at the trial , disallowing ‘ such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the initial trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial … ’ under the provisions of section 19A(1) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , as inserted by section 111 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
4 Eventually , when this somewhat bizarre meeting ended , the judge made an order by which he purported to ‘ disallow such part of the brief fee which would otherwise have been payable on the [ partial ] trial as exceeds what would be the proper enhanced refresher for the retrial . ’
5 The idea may then be for the surviving spouse to give the property ( which she took under the deed of variation ) to the children and make a potentially exempt transfer under IHTA 1984 , s3A : provided she survives seven years no inheritance tax will have been payable on the death or on the gift or indeed on her death by reference to the property which she gave to the children .
6 Perhaps one is being a little punctilious , but some clarification of these , and other , matters would have been helpful to the novice .
7 When the Clause banning the promotion of homosexuality by local authorities was introduced into the Local Government Bill in December 1987 , the Tories must have been confident of no Labour resistance ; and with the honourable exception of Bernie Grant , now a Haringey MP , they were right .
8 Robert Naish must have been disappointed at the members ' Extraordinary General Meeting on June 5th when his three-part motion failed to get the necessary 2:1 majority ( For 125 , Against 103 ) .
9 IF President FW de Klerk was hoping to ease the pressure on his government by announcing the release of eight prominent prisoners on Tuesday , he must have been disappointed by the reaction .
10 Although there was some limited response to the last of these , Iraq must have been disappointed by the overall results of the campaign .
11 Naturally , Reynard started there , drew the first blank , which did n't disconcert him ( he would have been disappointed by an easy discovery anyway ) and composed himself to delve deeper , perhaps taking it backwards a month at a time , beginning with Malamute 's employment with Club Eleusis .
12 For golfers , wearing the dress of the day , — tailored tweed jackets and trousers , leather boots , and carrying well-made bags of up to 30 heavy-weight clubs ( according to former 1920's caddy Charles Robins ) — the prospects of coping with certain of Henley 's holes must have been daunting without a caddie .
13 The section makes it dangerous for a director to be unaware of the company 's financial position , since liability may ensue where a director fails to take appropriate action to ‘ minimise the potential loss to the company 's creditors ’ once it would have been apparent to a properly informed director that the company was heading for liquidation .
14 ( 2C ) The term implied by subsection ( 2 ) above does not extend to any matter making the quality of goods unsatisfactory ( a ) which is specifically drawn to the buyer 's attention before the contract is made , ( b ) where the buyer examines the goods before the contract is made , which that examination ought to reveal , or ( c ) in the case of a contract for sale by sample , which would have been apparent on a reasonable examination of the sample .
15 In particular , it should have been apparent from an early stage that the railway would prove totally inadequate to deal with the demand generated in the Isle of Dogs , especially by the Canary Wharf project .
16 As will have been apparent from the discussion on pre-emptive rights , this borrowing by the stock markets of an expression ‘ equities ’ derived from the activities of Courts of Chancery has in turn been borrowed by the companies ' legislation in its definition of ‘ equity securities ’ and ‘ equity share capital . ’
17 Above all , whoever occupied the throne would have been subject to the powerful pressure that Nicholas experienced from the United Nobility , the Orthodox Church and reactionary leaders of the Right .
18 However , even though Richard Baxter may have been poor as a theologian and controversialist , he was undoubtedly one of the most outstanding pastors of all time .
19 It can not have been easy for a man in his fifties to start afresh as an instrument-maker in London .
20 Children were fascinated by the ducks and it would have been easy for a toddler to slip through the fence , leaving mum stranded on the other side .
21 In this example , it would have been easy for the teacher to have made the child 's decisions for her .
22 It can not have been easy for an ordinand or a curate to stand up to contemptuous persiflage about his religion from one of the ablest minds of the generation who happened to be his own brother .
23 Again , given the story 's setting and plot , it would have been easy for an insular national chauvinism to have been the prevailing tone .
24 It would have been opportune for the committee to examine the whole purpose and function of A levels , to see whether they were needed at all ; or whether , if retained , they should be radically changed .
25 It must have been halfway through the year , and it was " You were pregnant !
26 Most of the people responsible for Labour 's policies acknowledge that those which may have been relevant in the 1980s were disastrous and should be consigned to the rubbish heap .
27 The questions may have been terse to the point of harshness , but Bert seemed equal to them .
28 Without this control it would have been possible for a Committee with a bondholding minority to make bad decisions to the cost of the Bondholders .
29 Under these circumstances , it would have been possible for a ship sailing south from Thera to dock at Dia , unload and set sail again for destinations to the east or west .
30 It would even have been possible for the Secretary of State to have a reserve power to insist on ever more names from which to choose .
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