Example sentences of "have be [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The buildings on either side would have been for the slaves and workshops , the bath-house and latrines .
2 Most travel journalists will not have been to the Giants ' Grotto , of course , but they will certainly have seen the handy paragraph in the travel company press pack .
3 As three cheers rang out from a few dozen loyal supporters gathered in the street below , Mr Kinnock took off his glasses , put them in his pocket , and gave a wistful smile for what might have been to the colleagues clustered around him .
4 Now the Temperance Hall was a very very nice hall er balcony all the way around , it held five or six hundred people er candelabras and all the rest of it , a lovely stage and these travelling concert parties used to come round on a Saturday night , and I should imagine they 'd be doing the seasides during the summer and then they came back in the Walsall and various areas during the er winter months , and we used to get concert parties like The Roosters and The Bonbons and all those sort of people come along and they were real and of course fellas my age , I mean eighteen and nine we used to take our girls there I mean it was full of young people er you 'd perhaps have been to the pictures one night and it 's another way of entertaining really and it was really a first class entertainment .
5 Female involvement may have been at the fringes , though what took place in this ‘ marginal , area may turn out to have been more important than long-forgotten events on the field of play .
6 Nizan could have been under no illusions as to the fate of those who were perceived as traitors to the party .
7 But in The Emperor no detail is adduced that might bring out what differences there could have been between the courtiers and petitioners of Ethiopia and their counterparts elsewhere in the world .
8 Whatever understanding there might have been between the police and the BUF ended at this remark .
9 I 'm sure you 're inside by now and I did n't see you , so it must have been over the gardens to the back door .
10 With ‘ good head office staff , I 've been able to spend upwards of two days a week out in the service and if you keep that up it 's amazing how many places you will have been over the years and we now have a much more open relationship ’ .
11 Browse in the gift shop or enjoy refreshment in the restaurant , and you can reflect for a few moments on how different things might have been without the events of 1066 .
12 Some of it I ca n't disclose , some of it would have been on the lines of : ‘ Make sure you do this or that ’ .
13 You 'd have been on the streets , girl , that 's where you 'd 'ave been . ’
14 Science and education may have been on the minds of the panel , but the youngsters preferred to range over topics such as nuclear disarmament and the ethics of energy .
15 Such a move would have greatly simplified the supplementary benefit system , as fewer people eligible for benefit would have been on the books of local social security offices .
16 It would n't have been on the books if I ever seen blatant sectarianism at its worst it 's in that bloody motion .
17 Characteristically within traditional professions such as Law and Medicine , it would have been beyond the bounds of decency to put any of one 's peers or the profession itself in a morally ambiguous or cynical light .
18 It is also possible that life developed , and if the rate of evolution was about twice as rapid as on the Earth then intelligent beings may have been among the organisms roasted to death as the Sun 's luminosity rose , the small oceans evaporated , and the CO 2 emerged from the rocks .
19 Welsh rulers , with whom Offa may have been at war and who possibly ruled in British territory subject to him , could have been among the kings of the Scots ( Irish ) who recognized the lordship of Charlemagne .
20 So her former connection with Rustenburg , and the presence there of his brother , may have been among the considerations that prompted Herbert Cranko to choose that town when he found it necessary to settle down after a roving life .
21 Those who pursue comparisons of the kind I am referring to are likely to be impressed by the staying-power of a literary preoccupation to which a variety of temperaments and compulsions has been attracted , and could well be inclined to believe that Pechorin 's duel and indifference may have been among the precedents that weighed , a century later , with a woman bent on contriving her appointment with destiny .
22 And er as I 've said before , I have n't seen a a barrel of oil burning and the heat and smoke that comes off that you consider the amount of oil that would have been in the separators on the platform at the time , I think it would have still have caused an awful lot of heat and an awful lot of smoke and fire , and er just shutting off the oil coming back to the platform maybe would n't have helped that much .
23 ‘ And we are still looking for the child who should have been in the premises , but was n't .
24 Not simply was he mentioned , as men may well have been in the prayers of intercession , but he was actively made present as lord of the situation .
25 ‘ Well , I did not , and I must actually have been in the gardens .
26 For post-designation companies , about two-thirds would not have been in the zones had designation not taken place .
27 It must have been in the stars . ’
28 Whatever may have been in the minds of right-wing conspirators and left-wing militants during the ‘ ominous spring ’ of 1936 , it was certainly not a prolonged civil war .
29 It must have been in the minds of the members of the Rushcliffe Committee as they took evidence .
30 Since these experiences will have been in the schools in which the workshop teachers teach , it is obvious that there will be a great deal of sharing of ideas before the actual presentations and their subsequent discussions take place .
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